In the theme, you can also sell the listings by loan. Display the auto loan calculator on the single listing page to allow users to estimate monthly payments, and see how much total interest should be paid and the loan amortization schedule.
The Loan Calculator option is not available in all Classified Layouts, Rental, and Service layouts.
In the Calculator section, you can set the loan calculator default values.
Enter the interest rate and month period on the Default Interest Rate and Month Period fields respectively. Then indicate the Down payment settings on the appropriate fields.
The loan amount is calculated via the following formula:
EMI = Equated Monthly Installment
P = Down payment amount
r = Default Interest Rate
n = Default Month Period
To display the calculator on the Dealer One/Two and Aircraft's layouts first enable the Show Calculator option on the Single Listing > Main section. Then add the STM Single Car Calculator element to the page template.
On the Classified One/Two/Three/Four, Boats and Magazine layouts there is no Show Calculator option. Just include the STM Single Car Calculator element o the page template as above or include the STM Single Car Calculator widget to the single listing sidebar under the Appearance > Widgets section to display the loan calculator.
On the Motorcycles and Equipment layouts, it is enough to enable the Show Calculator option on the Single Listing > Main section. The loan calculator button will be added automatically and displayed as a pop-up modal, there is no need to add any widget to display it.
The STM Single Car Calculator automatically takes the listing price, counts all the loan payments, and displays them in the calculator area.
Also, there is an STM Auto Loan Calculator element. This is a simple calculator that calculates auto loans. You can write the required price of the product and calculate the loan conditions.