Side Cart basket

Basket position

This option defines the vertical positioning of the side cart icon.

Basket offset

Basket top or bottom offset option changes the size of space between the screen and the basket icon.

The offset automatically adds the empty space to the top or bottom depending on the Basket position option.

Basket Offset

Basket right or left offset option changes the size of space between the screen and the basket icon.

Offset automatically adds the empty space to the right or left depending on the Open side cart from option in the General > Side Cart settings.

Floating icon

With these settings, you can easily change the icon, icon color, and icon size of the side cart's basket icon.

Cart Icon Counter position

With this option, you can change the side cart counter position.

Basket background color

This option changes the background color of the side cart icon.

Basket border color

This option changes the border color of the side cart icon.

Floating icon color on hover

This option changes the icon color of the side cart button when hovering.

Basket background color on hover

This option changes the background color of the side cart icon when hovering.

Basket border color on hover

This option changes the border color of the side cart icon when hovering.

Basket shadow

This option changes the box shadow of the side cart icon.

The default value is -0 0 0 0(no box shadow)

Basket shadow color

This option changes the box shadow color of the side cart icon.

Cart icon Counter text color

This option changes the text color of the side cart icon items counter.

Cart icon Counter background color

This option changes the text color of the side cart icon items counter.

Cart icon Counter border color

This option changes the text color of side cart icon items counter.

Last updated