Theme Customization

WordPress Customize allows you to setup the general styling of the website visually. In WordPress menu go to Appearance > Customize. Here you can setup most important options of your theme.

Site Settings:

  • Logo & Title: You can setup basic site options like: Site title, Tagline, Logo & its dimensions and Favicon.

  • Static Front Page: You can select default Front and Blog pages here.

  • Style & Settings: There are Color Skins and default Layout options. Here you can set your custom colors, enable/disable Boxed version and show/hide Frontend Customizer.

Archive Pages: Choose archive pages layout, sidebar and its position.

Shop Pages: Here you can select Sidebar and its type/position and number of displaying products on Shop page.


  • Layout: Here you can change the footer logo & its dimensions, the copyright text and split the footer into widgets. Also specify the number of widget areas.

  • Footer Socials: Here you can select displayable social icons.

Post Types: You can setup/change Title, Plural Title, Rewrite URL and Icon for custom post types

After these changes you need to RE-SAVE your site Permalinks.

Typography: Set up the fonts out of free google fonts. Besides this you can setup font weight, font size and line height also.

Socials: You can add your company social URLs here.

Custom CSS: Here you can add your custom styles.

Menus: You can add/edit menus here

Widgets: You can set up the widgets into the precreated areas. You can do the same later Appearance > Widgets.

Header Builder

You can set up the theme header individually. Every section of the header can be modified and it’s possible to add different elements like: dropdown, text, menu, popup, button, infobox, etc.

To change the header layout:

1. Click on Header Builder in the WordPress menu. 2. Drag & Drop needed elements. 3. Click on the Submit button to save your changes.

Here you can see detailed video tutorial:

Last updated