Presto Player Integration

Presto Player is one of the best video player plugins for WordPress. It provides game-changing features that are powerful yet so simple to use that it feels like magic.

Presto Player Installation

To install the plugin, go to Dashboard and find the Plugins section from the left menu and choose Add New.

You need to search Presto Player, install it, and activate it on the opened page.

Adding Video To Media Hub

Instructors can add the same videos to multiple lessons on your website using Media Hub.

The media hub is a more flexible way to add media to your lessons. It allows you to save audio and videos which you can later use in any lesson, post, or page on your site - either through the Block Editor, a page builder or by using a shortcode.

This way, if you want to make any changes to the video, you can do it from one place. When Modifying a video in Media Hub, and changes will be applied to all places where you added that video.

Follow these steps to add a video to Media Hub:

Step 1 – Navigate to Dashboard > Presto Player > Media Hub. Here, click on the “Add New” button, and give your video a name:

Step 2 – Next, select the video type based on where you want to store your video. Thus, you can choose from four different options: (self-hosted) Video, YouTube, and Vimeo. If you have Prest Player Pro activated on your website, you will also see the option:

Step 3 – As an example, we’ll add a YouTube video. Hence, we’ll click on the “YouTube” option, add our video URL, and click on “Add Video“:

Step 4 – Once the video is loaded, you can adjust the block settings:

Click “Publish” to save your video.

Presto Player’s features

Presto Player comes with a wide range of video player customization and privacy features:

Some of the Features which will be listed below will be available when Presto Player Pro is installed. The available features of the Pro version and pricing can be checked from the link below:

Muted Autoplay: This one is especially for brands that want to grab people’s attention instantly. If you’re a brand that’s looking to subtly slip into your audience’s psyche without causing any annoyance to them, this feature is a must-have!

Sticky video: Another feature that allows people to keep watching your videos when they are scrolling on your website.

Overlay on video: Got a nice image or want to engage your customer with catchy texts? This feature is for you! You can overlay an image or text with this feature!

10-sec skip: Want to allow your users to skip videos as they can do on Youtube or Facebook? Well, Presto Player has got you covered!

Playback speed control: Let your audience choose a video speed that’s comfortable for them.

Lazy load: Want to improve page speed by controlling if the video is played or not? This feature will help you do so!

Add video Caption: Needs no explanation. However, Presto Player also allows you to edit your video caption style and background colors!

Video skins: The Presto player lets you modify the video skin for both new and existing videos. You can effortlessly change the look of your videos and approach your audience in a more exciting way.

Video Analytics: Analytics will show you the number of video views, top videos, top users, unique views, average view time, audience retention rate, etc., metrics that’ll help you understand how your videos are performing.

Save play position and volume preference: An innovative feature that allows Presto Player to remember your audience’s volume preferences and Video play position. So next time your users resume watching the videos, they can begin from where they left off!

Audio player: Thanks to Presto Player’s brand-new and exciting “Audio Player” feature, you can also embed the audio player on your WordPress websites. This dynamic feature enables you to include any sort of audio on your WordPress website without severely slowing it down.

Timestamp links: The Timestamp link is another interesting feature that will astound you. This feature makes it simple to guide viewers or listeners to particular sections of the video or audio. As a result, your listeners or viewers won’t have to read extensive paragraphs or wait through lengthy audio or video to get the desired information.

Adding Presto Player videos to the lessons

Videos processed with Presto Player can be added to video lesson types following the manual below:

How to add video to the lesson

Last updated

#514: PeepSo: added to ADDITIONAL Features section

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