LMS Form Editor

LMS Forms Editor Addon

The LMS Forms Editor Addon allows you to configure the plugin built-in forms such as Profile form (Registration), Become Instructor request form, and Enterprise form by adding the additional fields to the form.

To activate this option go to STM LMS > Addons.

Find there the LMS Forms Editor addon and enable it.

To get to the LMS Forms Editor page click the settings icon or refresh the page and navigate the STM LMS > Forms Editor menu. Welcome to the LMS Forms Editor page! Let's explore all the settings.

The LMS Forms Editor settings page contains two sections, let's conventionally name them the Top and Main parts.

On the Top section, you can select between the forms and Save/Cancel applied changes.

The Main section, which is the working space, composed of three parts. In the screenshot below, they are numbered in sequence:

In the First column, you can build the form by dragging and dropping your needed elements from the Third (Elements) column. Here, in the Third (Elements) column, located the elements that will be used as the form fields.

Once you have put your needed element in the First column, in the Second column the element's settings will be displayed.

Now, let's walk through the Elements settings on the example of the Become Instructor Form.

On the Elements' settings first comes the Field Name Option. This field text will not be used on the user interface. The field is provided for the admin, to define the element's name to display it on the Become Instructor request message. This message sends to the admin email. Let's say you've created a Become Instructor Form. Now go to STM LMS > Email Manager section (The Email Manager addon should be enabled).

The Field ID will displayed like this:

Make sure that you enter a unique ID so that it will work properly.

Put on the First column the Single Line Text element. On the Field Label section, enter the field title that will appear on the user interface:

Also, you can add a description for the field under the Field Description area:

Enter the placeholder text on the Placeholder section:

Enable the Required field option to make the field required to fill:

Remember to save your changes. On the above example, we have adjusted only one field the Become Instructor Form. Now, let's check it. Login under the student account, go to the user account page, and click the Become an Instructor button:

Let's move on! Now put the Email, Phone, and File Attachment elements. The settings are similar to the Single Line Text element:

Fill all the fields as you desire. Then, let's check what we built:

In the same way, you can customize the Enterprise form and Profile form.

The Options appear by dragging the Radio Button, Drop Down, and Checkbox elements in Profile form.


Please be sure that you filled the Options fields as well, otherwise, the Radio Button, Drop Down, and Checkbox elements will be displayed without options list.


Related Article:

How to edit the registration form?

Last updated

#514: PeepSo: added to ADDITIONAL Features section

Change request updated