Changelog (Free Version)


July 2, 2024


  • Added new Instructors Carousel and Courses Search blocks.


  • Improved child and parent data slot interaction.

  • When a course has a trial or when a course has lessons with Preview Lesson enabled, a Free lessons offer appears in the button.

  • Added functionality to change/select a preset to fully or partially switch to another preset.

  • Added a field for selecting the required bundles in the Course Bundles block, so that the admin can adjust which bundles to display and which not.

  • For Full-Size Image style in the Course Grid block hover was added, which will display additional information about the course.

  • Added a button with price while hovering in the Price Button style.

  • Added quiz attempts display in Course Player.

  • Added translations for lines in js files.


  • There is an error when the admin does a review of a student assignment.

  • Courses are duplicated if you buy expired courses through Paid Membership.

  • An incorrect number of questions in Question Bank is displayed.

  • Messages are not sent to the instructor, even if it says success in the response.

  • Small bug fixes.


June 28, 2024


  • Fixed an issue loading Single Quiz Edit settings.


June 25, 2024


  • Added the ability to include a video preview for courses to give students a chance to learn about the course in a video (Pro).


  • Small bug fixes.


June 24, 2024


  • Added a stats dashboard for students to view their courses, progress and achievements (Pro).

  • Added a setting to disable and enable the stats dashboard for a student (Pro).


  • Added a setting to specify the number of attempts to pass the quiz.

  • Added descriptions to all settings of the plugin to make them more understandable.


  • Some strings are not available for translation because of the esc_html() function.


June 18, 2024


  • Added a "Pending for review" status for a student who has left a review for the course.

  • Added the ability to share the course on social media with a ready-made post template.

  • Added More button for long Course preview description.

  • Added a setting to disable/enable the sticky sidebar in the admin panel for some course styles.

  • Added a setting to select the default tab on the Course Page.

  • The user now remains on the same page if he/she logs in via the registration login popup or course player or signs up via social login (Pro).

  • Added a tooltip for course categories when there are many categories in one course (Pro).

  • Statuses (New, Hot, Special) are now displayed in Related and Popular Courses blocks (Pro).


  • The Price Info field doesn't work in the Course Builder and doesn't display on the Course Page.

  • Membership levels are not available for guest users.

  • The lesson content box is missing from the quiz when the Fill in the Gap quiz is added.

  • Fixed bugs in different Course page styles.


June 14, 2024


  • Added new Gutenberg blocks: Courses Categories, Courses Grid, and Instructors Grid.


  • For all card styles in Gutenberg blocks that have a popup, added a setting to disable the popup


  • The string to send an email is hardcoded directly in the following file and is not translatable.


June 6, 2024


  • Added an Audio lesson addon (Pro).

  • It is possible to add audio lessons by uploading files, embedding or with shortcodes (Pro).


June 5, 2024


  • Added Course Bundles Gutenberg block (Pro).


  • Spanish and Italian translations were not working in the plugin.

  • SCORM course content is not displayed on newer versions of the MasterStudy theme.


May 29, 2024


  • Made it possible to add widgets to the sidebar on the course page.


May 28, 2024


  • MYSQL Queries for Elementor Widgets optimized.

  • Some static strings were unavailable for translation due to a missing text domain.

  • The number of enrolled students increased when the course page is reloaded;


May 24, 2024


  • Added seven new styles for Course pages: Timeless, Sleek with Sidebar, Dynamic, Minimalistic, Modern with Curriculum, Dynamic with Short Sidebar, Bold with Full With Cover (Pro).


  • Redesigned the default style for the Course page.


May 20, 2024


  • Small bug fixes.


May 16, 2024


  • Added an Archive Courses Gutenberg block.

  • Added the possibility to manage students via CSV for instructors.


  • Optimized the speed of the course bundles (Pro).

  • Added the ability to format and move text in the Fill in the gap question.

  • Made logic for checking installed addon and the possibility to add filter block by availability.

  • Added classes for CSS library in MasterStudy Player.


  • Fill-in-the-gap questions are not saved when only a free plugin is used.

  • The Upcoming Course Status addon timer is not displayed on the card.

  • No Members Only badge for courses that are available only with a Paid Membership Pro subscription.

  • Courses purchased through Woocommerce are unavailable.


May 8, 2024


  • Small bug fixes.


May 7, 2024


  • Courses are not available for students added by the admin via manage students.

  • Page title from Yoast SEO is not applied.


May 6, 2024


  • Redirect to Checkout after adding to Cart setting does not appear if WooCoomerce Checkout is enabled.

  • MasterStudy video player is set by default for video lessons with HTML and external links.

  • Added AJAX Loading for Assignments and Certificates pages in LMS (Pro).


  • If a subscription to the course is canceled from the admin panel of the student, access to the course will remain.

  • YouTube branding appears if Use MasterStudy player for videos from Youtube setting is enabled


May 1, 2024


  • Added a new Course Carousel block for Gutenberg.

  • Added new Basic info, Course requirements and Intended audience blocks for the course in the Course Builder.


April 29, 2024


  • Course Player is fully optimized for HTTP requests, database queries and loading assets.

  • Video lessons and quizzes have been optimized.

  • Removed old Course Builder nuxy files

  • Removed old Course Player.


  • In the add to quiz button, there will be double the number of selected questions.

  • Students could not finish the lesson due to exceeding the maximum number in the lesson ID.


April 25, 2024


  • Added a new Course Grid block for Gutenberg.


  • Removed linear icons and replaced them with IcoMoon for optimization.


April 18, 2024


  • Added a new Featured Teacher block for Gutenberg.


  • Course styles in the course card and popup are not applied on the page and in the editor.

  • On pages in a single course modern course styles are not displayed correctly.

  • In multi-choice quiz type answer explanation does not work.

  • When clicking on Start Course in a SCORM course, the page refreshes and the course does not open.


April 15, 2024


  • When a course is in draft or pending review, the Start Course button for both instructor and admin opens the course in preview (Pro).

  • Changed the logic of URLs in courses (Pro).

  • If a student adds answers with gaps at the beginning and end on Fill the Gap questions, the gaps are cut off and the answers are considered correct.


  • Video with hidden branding YouTube or Vimeo crops the frame in PHP 8.1+.


April 8, 2024


  • Replaced Google+ with Linkedin in Social Network for User Account.

  • Removed the character limit in the password field when registering.

  • Added additional validation for assigning a plan to a user through the admin to avoid errors.


  • Changed error text if unacceptable characters are added to login when registering on multisite.

  • If there are no popups or signup forms on the page when a guest tries to sign up using a referral link, the referral link option does not work (Pro).

  • The certificate tab is not displayed for a student (Pro).

  • Small bug fixes.


April 4, 2024


  • Updated the Guest checkout view.

  • Added settings to show MasterStudy player for YouTube and Vimeo videos.

  • Added filter on instructor names in Certificate builder for admin (Pro).

  • Added ability for instructors to create certificates (Pro).

  • Added a separate page with certificates that instructors have created themselves (Pro).

  • Added certificate list in the admin panel, where admin manages all certificates and instructor can see and edit/delete only certificates created by him (Pro).

  • Added filter for changing custom field in certificate builder (Pro).


  • Available in the premium version for memberships for students is not working.

  • When Query Monitor is enabled, a certificate error is highlighted in Course Player.

  • Have a Question form for enterprise is not being submitted.

  • Internal user account pages are displayed as blog pages when using the Yoast SEO plugin.

  • Container on pages compresses content and breaks blocks.


April 1, 2024


  • Checked for compatibility with Paid Membership Pro 3.0.


  • Added additional filter to remove unwanted script load.

  • Added improved and updated Russian & Ukrainian translations.

  • Added the ability to add students to courses via CSV files.


  • Reset Course Progress resets the course start date and adds the wrong time to the database.

  • Students who have purchased a pre-ordered upcoming course can take the course via Curriculum (Pro).


March 27, 2024


  • Improved protection for user registration forms.


March 20, 2024


  • Added an option to display coowned courses in the instructor's public profile.

  • Updated the view on the page of quizzes created with the Online Testing addon (Pro).

  • Database tables are now indexed to increase speed during query processing.


  • The new page where the shortcode from the Online Testing addon is added is not published.

  • Registration form is incorrectly displayed when a guest tries to enroll in a course twice.

  • The login form opens when clicking on Registration via the side profile menu.

  • Email shortcodes sent from "Become instructor" and "Have a question" forms are not working.

  • Student progress is not displayed for the group creator (Pro).

  • Student files from Assignments are displayed in the admin's media library (Pro).


  • File path checks have been added to the Modal Loader for better protection.

  • Form Fields additional checks have been added to Authorization Forms for better protection.


March 14, 2024


  • Added a new Certificate builder (Pro).

  • Added a sidebar for selecting certificate templates (Pro).

  • Added ability to insert different elements such as course time, description, progress, etc (Pro).

  • It is possible to add a certificate separately to a course or to a category of courses (Pro).


  • Added a patch for importing new certificates.

  • Capability condition added for Settings Autocomplete Search field.


  • Small bug fixes.


March 9, 2024


  • Authorization checks have been added to User Order Requests for better data protection.


March 6, 2024


  • Small bug fixes.


March 5, 2024


  • Capability checks have been added to Statistics Requests for better data protection.

  • The Instructor Statistics page has become better in performance.


  • Course price does not change to the new price in the cart if the price has been changed or after the discount has expired.


February 29, 2024


  • Added a new Social Login addon (Pro).


  • Added Loader to show audio and video saving process in percentage (Pro).

  • All tabs from the user account page via WPML are now translated.

  • Optimization of the speed of the loader was performed.


  • Add Enrolled Students as Attendees option is not available when creating a Google Meet lesson from Course Builder (Pro).

  • Small bug fixes.


February 29, 2024


  • Minor improvements.


February 23, 2024


  • Improved performance and speed of Course Player by conducting query optimization.


  • Icons for social networks are not displayed.

  • If you select one correct answer in a Multi Choice quiz question, the second answer is automatically selected.


February 21, 2024


  • Updated FontAwesome to version 6.4.2.


  • Added the ability for students to save draft assignments (Pro).

  • Audio/video question playback now stops when a user makes a second audio/video playback (Pro).

  • Simplified the activation of the Question Media addon (Pro).


  • Added an option that resets current_lesson_id, start_time and end_time after resetting or deleting a student.


  • The discounted course price is not displayed correctly in the Course Bundle (Pro).

  • Single Course Co-Instructors undefined key avatar error is fixed (Pro).

  • Course pictures are displayed in poor quality on the instructor's public page.

  • A profile with a username with non-English letters is not registered.

  • The correct answers in a quiz are not counted if there are two spaces in a line. or if the text is enclosed in quotes at the beginning of a line.

  • Fixed a small PHP warning when going to the Manage Students page.


February 16, 2024


  • Added protection for the Instructor Account Statistics page function to prevent unauthorized access to data.


February 14, 2024


  • Added a new Question Media addon (Pro).

  • Now it is possible to add video, audio and pictures to questions in a quiz (Pro).


  • Added a new template _core/stm-lms-templates/components/video-media.php.


February 9, 2024


  • Added new blocks for Gutenberg: Call to Action, Icon, Button, Testimonial, Iconbox, Adaptive Container and Text.

  • Added new blocks in the Customize section to customize the header and footer of the MasterSudy Starter theme.


  • The MasterStudy tab color in the admin panel changes color according to WordPress admin panel dashboard settings.

  • Added a quick Edit with the Course Builder link in the top admin bar when an admin is viewing a course.

  • All LMS shortcodes are now copied when clicking on them for easier use.


  • Reviews from students are not displayed in the course after the course is approved by the admin.

  • The FAQ tab is displayed when it is not present in the course settings.

  • The quiz does not open in the Course Builder.

  • Course and empty fields are not filled with default values.


  • Course Builder Settings warnings fixed for course_certificate, current_students or end_time.


February 1, 2024


  • If going into the lesson, the lesson and recent blog are displayed.


January 30, 2024


  • Added an option for instructors to view unpublished courses.

  • Added Authorization settings section separately in Profiles Settings.

  • Added validation for Become Instructor form.

  • Added validation for Enterprise form.

  • Now if you click a window outside the popup for forms the popup is hidden.

  • Added shortcodes for authorization forms and become instructor forms.

  • Added a separate form for Sign up as an Instructor in the Authorization form.

  • Added Elementor widgets for the Authorization form and Become Instructor form.

  • Redesigned the registration form for the profile into a single style.

  • Added generation of the instructor registration page in LMS Wizard.


  • Changed component templates: _core/stm-lms-templates/components/modals/become-instructor.php, _core/stm-lms-templates/components/modals/enterprise.php

  • Changed "apply_for_instructor" function in _core/lms/classes/user.php file.

  • Changed "enterprise" function in _core/lms/classes/user.php.


  • The color of the check mark and inner circle in the Success view after registration does not change.

  • The Translation of minutes in Quiz in Course Player is not working.


January 24, 2024


  • Answers in quizzes with special characters are not accepted as correct.

  • The "add student" functionality through the admin panel does not work if the plan in Paid Membership Pro is set to the category in which the course is created.

  • After translating a course via WPML, a link to a translated course in another language displays a 404 page until the user saves the settings.

  • Points cut after retake functionality incorrectly cuts results after the second retake.

  • Audio files in Lesson Materials are not played in Course Player.

  • Downloading a certificate only works in the courses to which the certificate is linked (Pro).

  • Page Title is not working correctly in Course Player.


  • Global $post object set as Lesson in Course Player page.

  • Course Player data functions refactored.

  • Courses post type made public for Sitemaps.


January 15, 2024



  • If the images in the video lesson or the course settings are removed, the Save button will not be clickable.

  • If a course has a Sale Price, the course card bounces in the hover when the course-card widget Elementor style is selected.

  • The order of lessons is not correct when changing the order of sections

  • Some words in Course Builder are not translated.

  • Removed Explanation to answers after the retake of the quiz.

  • The video poster in video lessons is not removed when deleting.

  • If sections are swapped when "Lock lessons in order" is enabled in the Drip Content addon, the sections do not open correctly (Pro).

  • If the Course expiration in the Access section was set for an upcoming course, the days for expiration were accrued from the date the course was offered to the student (Pro).

  • If a student wants to buy a course again after the course has expired, the course is not purchased (Pro).

  • The words Earnings and Sales on the Payouts page are not translated (Pro).


January 10, 2024


  • After enrolling in a course, students and instructors are sent the Course added and Course added to User emails several times.


January 4, 2024


  • Cleaned up nonessential classes in the plugin and theme for optimization.

  • Added dropdown for sections in the Curriculum section.


  • Changed completely the template _core/stm-lms-templates/course/parts/tabs/curriculum.php


  • On the Archive page, course filtering does not work and the numerical rating of courses is not displayed.

  • The sorting view on mobile phones is displayed incorrectly with spaces.

  • The name of the Course Level in the admin panel can not be changed.

  • Guest Checkout does not work when purchasing through a course lesson.

  • The login button in the header is displayed incorrectly.

  • The user account is displayed incorrectly when the Buddypress plugin is enabled.

  • Small bug fixes.


December 22, 2023

  • Update: Made the Course Player compatible with WPML

  • Fixed: Question Bank categories are not displayed until the user saves Quiz


December 20, 2023

  • Update: Added a Become Instructor form to the login and registration forms after updating the forms.

  • Fixed: "WordPress database error Table '.wp_posts' doesn't exist..." error.


December 18, 2023

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes.


December 15, 2023

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes.


December 14, 2023

  • Fixed: The Home page doesn't work when reinserting the Course block.


December 7, 2023

  • Fixed: If email confirmation is enabled in the Profiles section of the LMS settings, the link sent doesn't work.


December 7, 2023

  • Update: Added a setting to apply custom colors for Course Player pages, Authorization pages and popups.


December 5, 2023

  • Update: Changed the design of the registration, login and password reset forms.

  • Update: Made error validation for all fields in the forms.

  • Update: Made integration with Google Recaptcha in the login & register form.

  • Update: The FAQ section in the course can be translated via WPML.

  • Fixed: If the order of sections and lessons is moved, the wrong order occurs.

  • Fixed: If a quiz is created and you start creating a lesson or switch to another tab, a confirm note appears even though there is no unsaved data in the quiz.

  • Fixed: The Curriculum, FAQ, Announcement, and Review tabs on the Single Course page of the Globalstudy layout for Divi do not work.


November 29, 2023

  • Update: Redesigned the popup for students with memberships.

  • Update: Redesigned the popup for the "Become an Instructor" form.

  • Update: Redesigned the popup for the "Have a question" form.


November 24, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


November 23, 2023


November 17, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


November 16, 2023

  • Update: Made the Course Player compatible with WPML

  • Fixed: Question Bank categories are not displayed until the user saves Quiz


November 13, 2023

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes


November 8, 2023

  • Fixed: Now when the course is free, students are automatically enrolled when they visit the course page.

  • Fixed: The hint field for the question disappears when editing.

  • Fixed: If the Single Choice quiz type is changed, previously deleted questions are returned to the quiz.

  • Fixed: Content size changes when opening Question Bank if it is at the end.

  • Fixed: Fill the gap quiz type finds the correct answer incorrect.


November 3, 2023

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes.


November 2, 2023

  • Update: Added a setting to disable Discussions in Course Player.

  • Update: Added a new template "User added via Manage Students" for Email Manager addon.

  • Update: Optimized tables in the database of the courses, now the Course Player has become even faster.

  • Update: Removed settings for course creation, quizzes, lessons, course settings and price settings from the admin dashboard, these are now all set up in Course Builder.

  • Fixed: The "Load more" button does not appear on the instructor page and not all courses are displayed.

  • Fixed: Quiz does not end and a popup with results does not show up.

  • Fixed: The user's answers are shown incorrectly on the second attempt in Show Correct Answers.

  • Fixed: Unable to send a blank Multichoice answer on the second attempt.

  • Fixed: The Complete button in Course Player does not become active on mobile view.

  • Fixed: After resetting progress, if users log into the course again, they continue the course from the same page.

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes.


October 30, 2023

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes.


October 20, 2023

  • Update: Added blocking of the “Complete lesson” button in text lessons until the user scrolls to the end.

  • Fixed: The currency symbol did not apply in Course Builder.

  • Fixed: Quiz Style is reset after saving and reloading the page.

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes.


October 18, 2023

  • Fixed: In lesson preview content, when a user is not signed in, after clicking on Login, the login window isn't shown correctly.


October 16, 2023

  • Update: New view for the page before starting Quiz

  • Update: Added to the interface Empty state of discussions in the course player for students to view.

  • Fixed: Curriculum icons do not match the course builder icons.

  • Fixed: Pictures attached to questions in quizzes do not display properly.

  • Fixed: Quiz content/instructions are displayed after the end of the quiz along with the results.

  • Fixed: Admin Top Bar is located at the end of the page in the theme.


October 12, 2023

  • Fixed: The certificate does not download on iOS in Safari.

  • Fixed: Removed Lesson Style settings from Wizard from the Curriculum section.

  • Fixed: Quiz questions do not mix when the Randomize Questions setting is enabled.

  • Fixed: Embedding video lessons does not work in the new course player.

  • Fixed: The loader of the starter theme in the player interferes with the course player's loader.


October 11, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


October 10, 2023

  • Update: New Course Player.

  • Update: New student view interface.

  • Update: Switch between Light and Dark Themes.

  • Update: Enhanced Mobile-first view for students.

  • Update: New view for Item Match and Image Match.


October 6, 2023

  • Fixed: The Login snd Register tabs in the authorization/registration popup can not be switched


October 3, 2023

  • Fixed: When an authorized user clicks on one of the tab links, the first lesson opens with incorrect content.

  • Fixed: Instructors cannot insert iframes into lessons.


September 18, 2023

  • Update: Automatic generation of LMS pages when installing the free version of the plugin.

  • Update: The course information on the course page is centered on the left edge when viewed on mobile.

  • Fixed: When a user creates a quiz and then immediately creates the next quiz, AutoSave occurs at the time of creation and the current edited question is simply deleted.

  • Fixed: When deleting a large number of questions, sometimes deleted questions are returned because AutoSave is triggered at a random moment.

  • Fixed: When clicking on the “Open Settings” button in the “MS Pages are not generated” notice, the button does not open the desired settings if you are on the settings page.

  • Fixed: Only one-course category is displayed on the Single course page, although several categories and subcategories are specified in the course builder.

  • Fixed: After deleting the generated pages and reloading the page, errors appear.


September 12, 2023

  • Update: Libraries were updated to the latest version of the plugin


September 6, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


September 5, 2023

  • Update: Course card settings added to LMS widget settings in WPBakery and Elementor

  • Update: It is possible to change the height of pictures in course cards on Elementor

  • Update: Course card settings in the admin panel customize settings for the Archive page

  • Fixed: The instructor could not reset the rating and review even after using the LMS Course Rating tool

  • Fixed: The courses widget on Elementor continued to show the discounted price even after the discount date expired


August 25, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


August 24, 2023

  • Fixed: Quiz question titles did not display HTML tags as text


August 23, 2023

  • Fixed: After completing the quiz, the Quiz Complete email should include the result of the quiz

  • Fixed: The lesson creation page gives an error when refreshing

  • Fixed: When the user uploads a picture and puts the cursor there, some text appears


August 16, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


August 14, 2023

  • Fixed: There was a conflict with the file manager addon and uploader

  • Fixed: Error fixes with Course Carousel and Course Category

  • Fixed: End Time is not filled in the database automatically when a student completes a course


August 10, 2023

  • Update: Compatibility with WordPress 6.3

  • Fixed: In the Single Course page, the sidebar drops down when there are not enough tabs

  • Fixed: The wishlist button on the course card does not work after clearing a field in the search

  • Fixed: "No Courses Found" icon moves off on default themes

  • Fixed: Icons for Text and Stream Lessons in Manage Students are not displayed on the left

  • Fixed: When adding students, the number of students is not updated on the course page

  • Fixed: Corrected compatibility issues with PHP

  • Fixed: When resetting a password, an email is sent without a clickable link

  • Fixed: Bug fixes based on WPScan Vulnerability Report


August 10, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


August 4, 2023

  • Fixed: An additional scroll appeared on the right if the question was large or if there were too many questions

  • Fixed: Removed the scroll that is closer to the edge of the screen in lessons

  • Fixed: Create button did not become Save and the page did not refresh to edit state after creating Google Meet lessons

  • Fixed: There was a 502 error when creating a large number of tabs with a lot of content


July 19, 2023

  • FIXED: Notice "This field is required" was not translated in the Course Builder


July 18, 2023

  • Update: It is possible to duplicate curriculum with Post duplication

  • Update: Added word "Lesson" when creating a Google Meet lesson via Course Builder

  • Fixed: Fixed incompatibility with WP Umbrella

  • Fixed: Some texts are not translated in the new Course Builder

  • Fixed: The Required field on the quiz title tag is not working

  • Fixed: Separator goes over words in the instructor's Google Meet tab

  • Fixed: Fixed PHP Deprecated Bugs

  • Fixed: Login buttons didn't display full width

  • Fixed: Embedded errors when creating a Zoom lesson


July 14, 2023

  • FIXED: The first section did not redirect the student to the second section if the section order has been changed

  • FIXED: Add new course button in the admin panel did not always work from the first time


July 12, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


July 12, 2023

  • Fixed: File size in the empty selector is not working in Course Builder


July 11, 2023

  • Update: Added new Admin Notifications view

  • Update: New icons and cursor pointers are now made for all date and time pickers

  • Update: Moved all Hooks from the old Course Builder to the new one

  • Update: Added new arguments to hooks

  • Update: New mechanics for transferring lessons between sections in the curriculum

  • Fixed: Side Profile Menu gets under Online Header

  • Fixed: Avatar shrinks when opening Side Profile Menu on lives

  • Fixed: A label in Quiz was in SVG format

  • Fixed: Added Custom fields in Course Builder for Grassblade

  • Fixed: Various bugs in the plugin were fixed

  • Fixed: There was a warning when visiting the site as Guest

  • Fixed: Course Builder does not work with Gutenberg plugin

  • Fixed: Removed Unused Undefined $curriculum_item variable

  • Fixed: The mobile header on iOS is hitting buttons in Course Player in lessons

  • Fixed: The created course should be saved as Draft

  • Fixed: Corrected Notification when navigating from section to section in Google Meet

  • Fixed: Part of the text not visible in Course Total

  • Fixed: Lesson Content and Lesson Materials fields for Stream Lesson and Zoom Conference are not working.

  • Fixed: Browser default notification is shown when closing the page

  • Fixed: Settings and Q&A tabs set max-width


June 27, 2023

  • Fixed: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability issue reported by Patchstack.

  • Fixed: Broken Access Control vulnerability issue.


June 21, 2023

  • Update: Compatibility Update with the latest version of Elementor Pro.

  • Update: Compatibility Update with the latest version of Elementor Header & Footer Plugin.

  • Fixed: Mobile Menu of Elementor Pro was not clickable when MasterStudy LMS was active.

  • Fixed: Courses search bar did not display on the Courses archive page.

  • Fixed: Additional attempts were added when Quiz progress was reset by Admin.

  • Fixed: Previous and Next icons are not displayed in Lesson navigation when the lesson is Locked with Drip Content.


June 8, 2023

  • Fixed: Emails regarding "Course Pre-moderation" were not sent.

  • Fixed: After publishing the course with the price, instructors could not make it free.

  • Fixed: The stream lesson did not save after changing the date and time.


June 5, 2023

  • Update: Added video poster for External link source type of video lessons.

  • Fixed: Course builder was loaded blank on the translated version of the website with WPML.

  • Fixed: While switching between the lessons changes in the content did not apply at once.


June 2, 2023

  • Update: The questions category will be displayed in the Questions Bank section.

  • Fixed: Favorite Courses page was available for not logged-in users.

  • Fixed: After submitting the TRUE and FALSE, questions both options were displayed as FALSE.

  • Fixed: Course sections and Lessons did not create due to Restricted PUT and DELETE requests on Server-side.

  • Fixed: A "Validation error" was displayed on the console when the Image match question type was created.


May 30, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


May 29, 2023

  • Fixed: The video in 16:9 format was cut off in the lesson.

  • Fixed: Users could submit an empty assignment to review.

  • Fixed: Embed content with "iframe" did not load in the lessons.

  • Fixed: Default QUiz style settings are not imported with demo quizzes.

  • Fixed: SCORM Packages did not upload to the course.

  • Fixed: Validation of Date and Time picker of Zoom Lesson were missed.

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs in the Import Course Materials section.


May 18, 2023

  • New: MS Slider widget added for Elementor to create custom Slides.

  • Update: Added an "Add Link" button to all Tiny MCE editors in the Course Builder so that links can be inserted.

  • Fixed: Strip Slashes of MathJax-LaTeX disappeared on lesson content and the formula was not generated in Course Builder.

  • Fixed: Avatars of Co-Instructors did not display while creating a course with Course Builder.

  • Fixed: Course Builder stopped loading when the latest comments were deleted from the Q&A session while editing the lesson.

  • Fixed: The name of the Course in the Prerequisites does not fit into the tab in Course Builder.

  • Fixed: Multi-choice question type didn't display the correct answer if there was a comma in the answer.

  • Fixed: The image Match question type was not working when included in Question Bank.

  • Fixed: The quiz did not load for students when all questions were deleted and replaced with Question Bank

  • Fixed: Special characters in Course titles such as ( - ) were displayed as code ( – ).

  • Fixed: Video preview did not generate and displayed as a broken file at first seconds after uploading.


May 16, 2023

  • Update: Horizontal Scroll added for Courses widget sorting options in mobile view.

  • Fixed: Some course grid items did not appear in the slider view while sorting them.

  • Fixed: New questions did not add to the quiz by clicking plus icon.

  • Fixed: The questions library did not return results while editing the quiz in the Course Builder.

  • Fixed: In Item Match questions, the second answer did not count as correct.

  • Fixed: Course Builder did not load and displayed a blank page when WordPress was located in Subdirectory


May 10, 2023

  • New: Course Builder with new design and a range of enhancements released.

Course Builder
  • Update: The slider lesson type is converted to the text lesson type. Previously created lessons with Slider type will be displayed as text lessons.

  • Fixed: Testimonials widget avatars were duplicated.


May 02, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


April 28, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


April 26, 2023

  • Update: Courses 4-in-1 Widget of Elementor can be used for the Courses grid, Course Carousel, Courses archive, and Featured Teacher block.

  • Update: Option to disable the featured courses section on the Elementor course archive page.

  • Fixed: The registration process did not complete when the file upload field was added to the registration form.

  • Fixed: The course archive page did not display a notification that there were no courses matching the filter.

  • Fixed: Lessons with preview were not available for not logged-in users.


April 5, 2023

  • Fixed: The deprecated function "get_page_by_title" in WordPress 6.2 is replaced with the actual "WP_Query".


April 3, 2023

  • Fixed: Broken Access Control vulnerability.


March 27, 2023

  • Fixed: Site Authorization links elementor widget login button included the wrong link.

  • Fixed: Fill the gap quiz type displayed wrong results when answers included symbols.

  • Fixed: Count of question categories incorrectly redirected to blog posts.

  • Fixed: Instructor Carousel widget navigation did not work in the latest versions of Elementor.


March 7, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


March 2, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


February 22, 2023

  • New: Option to generate Courses Page for Elementor in LMS Settings > LMS pages section.

  • Update: Grid type is added to the Courses widget for Elementor to display the courses in Grid view.


February 16, 2023

  • Fixed: The quiz results were wrong when the number of questions was even.

  • Fixed: The custom order of the Questions in Quizzes did not save on the Backend.

  • Fixed: Images did not upload to the questions when the PHP version was above 7.4.

  • Fixed: Lessons continuously refreshed on the translated language with WPML.

  • Fixed: The number of free featured courses did not apply when the course was edited on the backend.

  • Fixed: The page did not publish with an Online testing shortcode.


February 8, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


February 7, 2023

  • New: Courses Grid Widget for Elementor.

  • Fixed: When the Course section title contained a comma, it separated after the comma.

  • Fixed: The Preview button on the course card in the List View was not clickable.

  • Fixed: User Account Drop Down menu displayed behind Stream.

  • Fixed: Visual issues in the lessons with H5P.

  • Fixed: Demo Quizzes displayed incorrect results.

  • Fixed: Semicolon ";" displayed after username and password in Email.


January 24, 2023

  • Fixed: Answer fields of the "Item Match" question type did not have equal height.

  • Fixed: Minor visual issues.


January 16, 2023

  • Fixed: A scroll appeared in the Courses search widget when Course categories are not opened.


January 11, 2023

  • New: Course Search Box with more customization options.

  • Fixed: Spelling errors in Payouts.

  • Fixed: Deprecated functions of Elementor are replaced with actual ones


January 6, 2023

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


December 29, 2022

  • New: Email will be sent to Students when Quiz Successfully completed.

  • New: Email Event for Administrator and Users when the Course is enrolled through a Membership plan.

  • Update: The content of the default Email Events is replaced.

  • Fixed: External link of the video reset in Video lesson type when MasterStudy LMS plugin is updated from 2.9.11.

  • Fixed: Proper translation of the Preview button in the Russian language.


December 21, 2022

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


December 20, 2022

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


December 14, 2022

  • Fixed: Correct answers were considered wrong in Multi Choice Questions when the last option was false.


December 7, 2022

  • Fixed: Enrollment through a membership did not work when several categories are selected in the plan.


November 23, 2022

  • New: MasterStudy Experience Survey Notification added for WordPress Dashboard.


November 22, 2022

  • New: Remastered Instructor Carousel Widget with flexible settings.


November 11, 2022

  • New: Presto Player Source Type Display Setting for Instructors in LMS Settings.

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


October 31, 2022

  • Update: Compatibility with WordPress 6.1.


October 26, 2022

  • Update: The plugin description has been updated in the WordPress repository.


October 26, 2022

  • New: Integration with Presto Player for Video lesson types.

  • Update: Video Lesson settings remastered.

  • Fixed: The navigation menu of the text editor in the Frontend course builder did not open.


October 18, 2022

  • New: Preloader can be enabled in LMS settings for LMS pages and sections.


October 17, 2022

  • New: Preloader added to LMS pages and sections.

  • Update: Visual improvements in MasterStudy LMS Wizard.


October 7, 2022

  • Update: Major files moved into the _core directory.


October 6, 2022

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


September 29, 2022

  • Update: Minor improvements.


September 28, 2022

  • Update: Responsive improvements for LMS Courses.

  • Update: String translations in plugins and Nuxy are updated.

  • Update: Guest users will be redirected to the Login/Register page if tries to Wishlist course.

  • Update: Font style of floating menu items changed to Camel Case.

  • Fixed: Progress of Prerequisite course not displayed.

  • Fixed: "STM LMS Popular courses" widget displayed the latest courses instead of popular ones.

  • Fixed: When the search returns no results, Featured courses are always displayed on the Courses archive page.

  • Fixed: Course rating Stars are not displayed when LMS Colors are changed in different Themes.

  • Fixed: Styles of Lesson start countdown disappeared when LMS Colors are changed.

  • Fixed: Course thumbnails were cropped in the gradebook.

  • Fixed: Free course was not displayed in the user account after registration when email confirmation was enabled.

  • Fixed: Administrator received become instructor requested although Instructor Pre-moderation was disabled.

  • Fixed: True/False questions have not worked in different languages except English.

  • Fixed: Popup from the For Enterprise button did not work.

  • Fixed: Membership Plan level position issue.

  • Fixed: Pagination is not displayed in the Testimonials widget items in Elementor Preview.


September 20, 2022

  • Fixed: MasterStudy Starter theme is suggested for installation when child themes of Masterstudy, Smarty, and BeTop were active.


September 14, 2022

  • New: MasterStudy Starter Theme released for MasterStudy LMS

  • Fixed: Incorrect display of Pro Addons thumbnail images in macOS.

  • Fixed: Different accept ratio of the thumbnail images of LMS courses on the "Add Student" page.


September 5, 202

  • New: Membership Plans widget added to the WPBakery.

  • New: Added Call to Action 2 widget for Membership Plans to Elementor.

  • Update: Membership Plans are redesigned and got a new customizable appearance for Elementor and WPBakery page builders.

  • Update: Additional settings added to the Membership Plans Elementor widget.


August 17, 2022

  • New: Courses filter sidebar added to the Courses categories archive page.

  • Update: The user account drop-down menu on the site header now includes links to the user account.

  • Update: Addons page visually improved for the site administrator.

  • Fixed: The Instructor's name was replaced with the student's name in Payouts and statistics when WooCommerce checkout is used.

  • Fixed: "I have an account" link was removed from the Restore Password page.

  • Fixed: The Restore Password field accepts a weak password while the Sign-Up form requires an 8-digit password.

  • Fixed: When two "Image match quiz" is used in a single lesson, It was possible to choose answers from both quizzes.

  • Fixed: Searchbox shortcode not worked on Front end.

  • Fixed: Images are not uploaded to quiz questions when Media File Manager is enabled.

  • Fixed: Quiz answers which contain a single quote (') are not marked as wrong.

  • Fixed: Some strings were not visible for translation.

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs.


August 4, 2022

  • New: Added Category filter for admin dashboard were listed all courses.

  • New: The user will remain on the same page after logging in through the Floating menu.

  • Fixed: Lesson navigation disappeared when the WPML plugin is active.

  • Fixed: Сhanges for LMS Pages not worked on Front-end and caused 404 error on User account navigation.

  • Fixed: The order of the questions changed after saving the quiz.

  • Fixed: Checkbox fields created using the LMS Forms editor, reset in a user profile.

  • Fixed: When Guest checkout is enabled the course did not remove from the cart.

  • Fixed: The word "Wishlisted" was replaced with "Remove from Wishlist".

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs.


June 27, 2022

  • Fixed: Compatibility of the widgets with the new version of Elementor

  • Fixed: Some strings were not visible for translation

  • Fixed: Demo Import optimization

  • Fixed: Drip Content Lesson type appearance

  • Fixed: Even when membership expired, the course is still listed under "Enrolled Courses."


June 9, 2022

  • Update: Minor code optimizations for a better user experience


June 8, 2022

  • Fixed: Courses archive page list view style issues with default WordPress themes

  • Fixed: Certificate appears even for inactivated Certificate Builder add-ons

  • Fixed: Course Bundles style issue with default WordPress themes

  • Fixed: Modern Course style course image height issue with default WordPress themes

  • Fixed: Hover effect with Enterprise Price when using the WordPress default themes


May 4, 2022

  • Update: Color Scheme appliance.

  • Fixed: Preloader for the Instructor's Account.

  • Fixed: The "Add Your First Course" message is added to the Instructor's Account without any courses.


April 14, 2022

  • Localization: Spanish and Portuguese (additional) strings are added


April 7, 2022


March 24, 2022

  • Fixed: Navigation menu on theme disappeared after plugin update with mobile header


March 18, 2022

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


March 7, 2022

  • Update: Remastering of Add New Course interface and Single Course page in mobile version

  • Update: Default header style optimization in mobile devices


March 14, 2022

  • Fixed: STM Mail Chimp Base redeclaration error.


March 7, 2022

  • Fixed: Bug with height of Sticky Panel on Single Course Page

  • Fixed: Visual bug with visited options (remained as highlighted) in MS Course settings

  • Fixed: When quiz is Passed the button below is not displayed in MasterStudy and any default themes


February 25, 2022

  • New: The notification with options to collect the user's data in our newsletters after activating the plugin


February 15, 2022

We apologize for this awkward situation with the latest MasterStudy Theme update. Hence we have recently released the hot-fix with the MasterStudy LMS plugin.

So for now, it is COMPLETELY SAFE to update the MasterStudy Theme to the 4.4.4 version. As a tip, we recommend you follow the basic instructions before updating. Those who have not updated within the first two hours after the update release, feel free to do it now without any problem.

On the contrary, if you have already updated the MasterStudy Theme and have gotten a fatal error on your website, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the archive on your Envato profile page.

  2. Unzip the file which will give a Masterstudy folder. Make sure your unzipping software/tool does not create an extra directory with the same name nested into each other.

  3. Retrieve your FTP login information from your hosting admin panel. Login to your FTP account via FTP software (as an example, FileZilla any other one) or File Manager tool in Cpanel to access your website folders.

  4. Once you access the FTP account, navigate to the WordPress theme directory YOUR_HOSTING_ROOT/YOUR_SUBDIRECTORY/wp-content/themes and remove the masterstudy folder.

  5. Upload the previously unzipped masterstudy folder into YOUR_HOSTING_ROOT/YOUR_SUBDIRECTORY/wp-content/themes directory.

If you have troubles or obstacles with the provided solution our support gives a high priority to your cases. And if your support policy is expired please no worries. We have prepared an express form to collect your data and fix the problem manually. In this case, please fill up all the required fields in this form.

Once again, our deepest apologies for the inconvenience. We assure to take steps to ensure that this kind of situation does not repeat anymore.

  • Fixed: Redeclare stm_module_styles() error


February 15, 2022

  • Fixed: Enrolled courses remain in the user's profile after the expiration of the plan

  • Fixed: Visual bugs with Twenty Twenty-Two standard WordPress theme

  • Fixed: Addon for Paid Membership Pro - Approvals does not work with courses in subscription plans

  • Fixed: Lesson frontend description styles are reset after the lesson is saved

  • Fixed: Issue with redirecting the user to the lesson after clicking Preview on course curriculum

  • Fixed: Bug with countdown for lesson start time

  • Fixed: Visual bug with STM LMS Courses Categories on Elementor Page Builder

  • Fixed: Visual style bug on Recent Courses widget's Categories tabs while hovering on them

  • Fixed: Bug with course navigation button


February 2, 2022

  • Fixed: Removed Freemius SDK from plugin's core (see the previous update about Freemius SDK)


January 27, 2022

  • Fixed: User registration vulnerability was fixed. Big props to Numan Türle.


January 19, 2022

  • New: Freemius SDK for better analytics (mostly for us the developers)


13 Jan, 2022

  • New: Course Card Style 3 on Courses Settings

  • New: Added new Style 6 for STM LMS Courses Categories widget in Elementor Page builder

  • New: Added new style 2 for STM Courses Carousel widget in Elementor Page Builder

  • New: Added new style 3 for STM LMS Recent Courses widget in Elementor Page builder

  • New: Visual silhouettes after moving the images to answers section as well as with returning the images on Image Match Quiz type

  • Fixed: Enrolled students counter does not work on course page

  • Fixed: Visual bug with avatar after filling the bio on profile

  • Fixed: Visual bug after clicking on the user's name on course page with Classic Lesson page style


December 21, 2021

  • New: Custom Colours added for Floating Side Profile Menu

  • Fixed: Bug with changing the Orders status (pending to completed) by admin was fixed

  • Fixed: Bug with Floating side profile auto opening on big screen resolution was fixed

  • Fixed: Bug with unable to open the closed lessons even after 100% passing the 17, 21, 36 questions in the quiz was fixed

  • Fixed: Question summary progress issue was fixed

  • Fixed: Bug with moving Settings and Message buttons on the profile page after changing the custom colors in Theme Options was fixed

  • Fixed: Bug with appearing notification after finishing the quiz with missed Fill the Gap question was fixed

  • Fixed: Elementor page builder deprecated errors were fixed

  • Fixed: Bug with displaying the extra not-relevant fields after inputting the answer to question in Frontend Quiz Questions pop up was fixed

  • Fixed: Issue with displaying the course in membership plan on user's Enrolled course section even after membership level expiration was fixed

  • Fixed: Bug with default styles on LMS Demo layouts was fixed


November 25, 2021

  • Update: Theme options version updated

  • Update: Float menu icon FIXED: Translation issues of several non-editable strings

  • Fixed: Free courses filtering issue

  • Fixed: Problem with saving questions/quizzes using eRoom plugin

  • Fixed: Student reviewing issue

  • Fixed: “Fill the gap” answer align issue


October 22, 2021

  • Update: Link fix in Lost Password Email Template

  • Fixed: Retake button displaying issues (Quizzes) FIXED: PHP errors displaying while adding Courses Modules


October 18, 2021

  • Update: Code refactoring and optimization


September 21, 2021

  • Added: New Quiz type: Image Matching (Single Choice, Multi Choice)


September 2, 2021

  • Update: Improved auth remember me system

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


August 12, 2021

  • Added: Admin Dashboard notification


August 2, 2021

  • Fixed: H5P plugin Reuse and Embed features are not displaying on the plugin pages

  • Fixed: Browser title does not change on switching to the Quiz page

  • Fixed: Featured Teacher widget loading issue FIXED: Match Items quiz showing wrong results

  • Fixed: Membership Approval (Paid Membership Pro plugin) compatibility

  • Fixed: Translation issues with several non-editable strings


July 28, 2021

  • Update: Compatibility with WordPress v. 5.8

  • Update: The certificate generation rules have been updated to reduce the waiting time for the certificate download

  • Fixed: String translation issues in Question type section and some placeholders

  • Fixed: The appearance of external symbols in Item Match quizzes

  • Fixed: User account page items position fixed for RTL

  • Fixed: Mobile devices responsiveness for Send Message button popup

  • Fixed: Partial displaying lesson titles in Classic Lesson style

  • Fixed: Login/Register modal form switching bug by enrolling in the course without logging in

  • Fixed: Minor style fixes


June 15, 2021

  • Update: BuddyPress templates according to theme new features and rules

  • Fixed: Displaying login forms in Floating menu

  • Fixed: Minor style issues and bugs


June 10, 2021

  • Update: Redesigned user account and user public profile

  • Added: New floating menu for user account

  • Added: Filter hook to logging in function

  • Fixed: WP Debug notice ‘No variable in certain pages’

  • Fixed: Checkbox doubling in forms created by LMS Forms Editor in User Profile settings

  • Fixed: Drop-down selection in forms created by LMS Forms Editor in User Profile Settings


June 1, 2021

  • Fixed: New messages counter appeared for message sender and for receiver


May 24, 2021

  • Added: Feedback module inside LMS settings

  • Added: Roadmap voting in LMS Admin

  • Fixed: Enfold theme html classes added to lesson page


May 11, 2021

  • Fixed: Minor styling issues


May 3, 2021

  • Added: Translations of Error messages

  • Added: Placeholders for Select box in Profile Forms Editor

  • Replaced: WPCFTO submodule replaced to Nuxy (renamed)

  • Fixed: The Popular courses widget shows the price Free, regardless of price or status are indicated

  • Fixed: Video poster goes beyond video frame when opening video modal

  • Fixed: Chinese, Arabic and some other fonts aren’t displaying in Certificate

  • Fixed: Students appeared in Featured Teacher select box

  • Fixed: Replacing chosen font by default plugin font

  • Fixed: Placeholders of checkbox and dropdown elements aren’t displaying after adding in LMS Forms Editor

  • Fixed: Responsive view of Send message modal in Classic type Public Profile

  • Fixed: Minor settings and frontend bugs


March 31, 2021

  • Fixed: Enterprise form


March 30, 2021

  • Added: Enterprise form in user account


March 25, 2021

  • Added: CSRF to all actions

  • Update: Submenu name changed from Manage Users to Instructor requests


March 18, 2021

  • Added: DED Assignment preview

  • Added: Description for question bank

  • Update: WPCFTO framework submodule moved to GitHub from bitbucket

  • Update: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7

  • Update: Classic style for user profile moved to Pro

  • Update: Cancel subscription in classic style moved to sidebar

  • Fixed: Admin commission option renamed to Instructor Earning (as it works now)

  • Fixed: CSRF issue Fixed in user info action. Method for saving user info changed from GET to POST

  • Fixed: Author box and custom fields disabled by default in screen options

  • Fixed: Select user in review replaced with autocomplete

  • Fixed: Visual bugs Fixed: Slash signs in the Curriculum sections

  • Fixed: Student can decline quiz overtime

  • Fixed: Some SCORM packages return completed status instead of progress percent. SCORM status completed treats as 100% progress now

  • Fixed: Courses grid ‘load more’ with sorting option issue

  • Fixed: Mobile version for Quiz question type ‘item match’


February 23, 2021

  • Fixed: Editing several quizzes on Front-End issues

  • Fixed: Restore password doesn’t work with activated Yoast SEO plugin


February 19, 2021

  • Added: H5P compatibility added to quizzes

  • Fixed: Correct answers appeared when ‘show correct answer’ option is disabled

  • Fixed: LMS Wizard typography

  • Fixed: Empty addons and Payout tabs content

  • Fixed: Duplicate email sending when ‘course added to user’


February 4, 2021

  • Added: Plugin Setup Wizard added: ‘Become instructor’ option added in the user profile

  • Added: Unique user profile navigation menu classes

  • Added: Lost password box validation added: Navigation menu badges

  • Update: New LMS Settings section is built on CFTO framework

  • Update: Translations updated

  • Fixed: Empty category view (0 subcategories) in search filter

  • Fixed: STM LMS Courses grid module title Fixed: Registration error text fixed

  • Fixed: Quiz answer “0” treating as incorrect answer bug

  • Fixed: Manage course loading view on frontend

  • Fixed: ‘Lost password’ option on mobile

  • Fixed: User profile navigation menu

  • Fixed: Membership plan with No available courses in subscription will not appear as purchase option for course

  • Fixed: Paginated quiz first/last buttons inactive when on first/last question respectively

  • Fixed: Question bank adding several banks Fixed

  • Fixed: Login button text changed Fixed: ‘Become instructor’ button is hidden for logged-in instructors

  • Fixed: Courses filter category bug

  • Fixed: Translations with vue variable {field} Fixed

  • Fixed: LMS pages conflict with Elementor Pro Fixed: Emails are not being sent when Email Template addon disabled


January 11, 2021

  • Added: Deny Instructors from accessing the admin panel option added (if only free MasterStudy LMS plugin will be used on the website, this option should be disabled)

  • Added: Student email column in the ‘Manage Students’ section

  • Added: Featured courses to the archive page added: “unlim” value added to the membership plan

  • Added: Password validation in the edit profile page

  • Added: Custom image upload added under course settings for the successful course completion message

  • Fixed: Fixed plugin update without PRO version Fixed: Image appearance in the ‘Popular courses’ element, style 2

  • Fixed: Month arrows issues in date picker Fixed: BuddyPress redirects Fixed

  • Fixed: Statistic issue

  • Fixed: LMS messaging system issues Fixed

  • Fixed: Public account not showing

  • Fixed: Public account login

  • Fixed: Assignments category dropdown

  • Fixed: Curriculum error in dashboard Fixed: Minor frontend issues


December 28, 2020

  • Added: Number of courses to show in STM Featured Instructor element

  • Added: Select an option to choose course categories (Elementor STM LMS Courses Grid)

  • Update: Wishlist icon changed for classic course style

  • Update: Replace routes by creating a WordPress pages

  • Update: Database update notification

  • Fixed: Remove points when retaking the quiz

  • Fixed: Masterstudy LMS Mobile App quiz WebView

  • Fixed: WPML Language switcher issues


December 9, 2020

  • Added: Quiz required fields removed. Alert on submission added

  • Added: Quiz paginated style added

  • Added: Added settings for adding custom course levels

  • Added: Added settings for decimal separator and number of decimals

  • Added: Added course filter to instructor assignments

  • Added: Student assignment can now be managed by admin from WordPress dashboard

  • Added: Added course title in a lesson comment (Email manager)

  • Added: Added login, course title and assignment title in user assignment submission (Email manager)

  • Update: Assignment send button disabled if assignment is empty

  • Update: Updated archive course card view on mobile (price)

  • Update: Review WYSIWYG removed image/video upload

  • Update: Wishlist icon changed update: Author fee text changed update: Added WordPress validation notice to user login on registration process

  • Fixed: Removed user manager templates from frontend

  • Fixed: Fixed PMPro subscription cancel Fixed: Stream +1 day bug Fixed

  • Fixed: Default list view bug Fixed

  • Fixed: Course bottom banner with membership only visual bug Fixed

  • Fixed: JS variable in translation Fixed Fixed: html code in translation Fixed

  • Fixed: True/false question translation bug Fixed Fixed: Lesson video automatic play Fixed

  • Fixed: Wishlist page layout Fixed

  • Fixed: Stripe script removed when payment disabled Fixed: Selecting question type in manage course visual bug Fixed

  • Fixed: Scorm redirect Fixed


  • Update: Update Co-instructor courses added to the Instructors’ public profile

  • Fixed: Add student to course feature on frontend

  • Fixed: Spain translation file errors for variables {field}

  • Fixed: Creating lesson with Elementor Page Builder Fixed: Per row setting on STM LMS Courses Carousel Elementor widget

  • Fixed: Folders permissions


  • Added: Added per page setting for elementor courses carousel

  • Added: Questions category added to LMS Menu

  • Added: do_action added to custom routes and lesson (wp_footer, template_redirect)

  • Update: Author fee text changed to admin commission

  • Update: Changed Website earning to Instructors Earning

  • Fixed: Paid membership checkout frontend bug in mobile version

  • Fixed: Course per page settings on the archive page

  • Fixed: Email settings (emails were not sent to the admin when adding a user to the course)

  • Fixed: Error display when entering the wrong password

  • Fixed: redirect from invalid course item update: Spain language translation file

  • Fixed: Fixed checkbox field in STM LMS Settings


  • Added: New fields in Certificate builder (course start date, course end date, current date, progress, co-instructor, course details)

  • Added: Certificate linking with a specific course

  • Added: Items centering in Certificates added: Pagination on the page Manage Students

  • Fixed: Statistics display in Statistics and Payouts addon — total shows the amount only from completed orders

  • Fixed: Limiting the number of users when creating and editing the group

  • Fixed: Visual bugs

  • Fixed: Answers in the Question bank

  • Fixed: Tabs display settings on the course page

  • Fixed: Lines translations

  • Fixed: Course purchase in subscription

  • Update: readme links


  • Fixed: Upgrading LMS DB Tables version


  • Added: Course expiration feature added

  • Added: Password validation due to EU regulations added

  • Added: Elementor and VComposer option added to limit instructors carousel

  • Added: Option for Colorpicker popup position added

  • Fixed: Courses archive load more after sort pagination Fixed

  • Fixed: Guest checkout logged in user fixed

  • Fixed: Ru translation ineligible words removed

  • Fixed: Removed certificates buttons in free version

  • Fixed: Instructors Limit removed from archive page

  • Fixed: Courses search glitch fixed

  • Fixed: Courses import override curriculum fixed

  • Fixed: STM LMS Courses Categories manual selection fixed

  • Fixed: Add review button error fixed


  • Fixed: Guest checkout with disabled subscription Fixed

  • Fixed: FAQ string translation Fixed


  • Added: Added option to remove particular course tab

  • Added: Added email to student when admin adds him to course added: Certificate builder

  • Fixed: Courses grid categories number Fixed

  • Fixed: Certificate checker now works with Google Classrooms addon

  • Fixed: SCORM error message Fixed Fixed: Fill the gap same answers fixed

  • Fixed: True/False question creation/saving Fixed Fixed: Chat message with “‘” symbol fixed

  • Fixed: Question bank empty categories notice added Fixed: Double slash from plugin static files removed

  • Fixed: Removed link to view Lesson/Quiz/Assignments comments

  • Fixed: Added FullScreen support to Lesson YouTube video

  • Fixed: Some RTL styles Fixed

  • Fixed: User profile classic style Fixed with drafts functionality

  • Fixed: Keyword question type js bug Fixed

  • Fixed: Added email for instructor after course approving

  • Fixed: PO file updated with missing words Fixed: HTML parsing Fixed in featured instructor

  • Fixed: Quiz checking moved to POST method. Limit removed for question number in quiz

  • Fixed: Bottom sticky panel script Fixed

  • Fixed: Assignment sending Fixed for student

  • Fixed: All instructors are now available in Co-instructor section

  • Fixed: Courses grid load more + sort duplication bug Fixed

  • Fixed: Price and sale price can now be completely removed Fixed: fixed “/” symbol deletion from curriculum section

  • Fixed: Frontend quiz creation bug with question type fixed

  • Fixed: Add Student console error removed


  • Added: Demo import courses

  • Added: Related courses

  • Added: Course drafts added for instructors

  • Added: Guest checkout for LMS/WooCommerce checkout

  • Fixed: Fixed translations and removed payout from submenu

  • Fixed: enable elementor for lessons Fixed: fix dropdown in questions

  • Fixed: Added image for quiz question Fixed: Auto-enroll for free course fixed

  • Fixed: Notice banner field added for WPCFTO framework

  • Fixed: WordPress 5.5 API route notice Fixed Fixed: fill the gap Fixed

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs


  • Added: Course/quiz/question/global settings fully redesigned with new UI/UX view


  • Fixed: bug in instructor page mark_num added: Styles for course widgets

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs


  • Hotfix: stable tag bumped


  • Fixed: critical bug with course file pack


  • Fixed: update field description and fixed translate bugs

  • Fixed: WPCFTO version checking added to avoid conflicts with other STM plugins


  • Added: the ability to upload videos to video lessons

  • Added: video player in the lesson with the ability to restart from the point you stopped at

  • Added: Redesigned curriculum edition in admin and in frontend parts

  • Added: Manage student added quiz overview for admin

  • Fixed: Course link in dashboard

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs


  • Added: shortcodes tab in STM LMS Settings

  • Update: documentation


  • Feature: Manage students by admin

  • Feature: Added Shortcodes (stm_courses_searchbox, stm_lms_courses_carousel, stm_lms_courses_categories, stm_lms_courses_grid, stm_lms_featured_teacher, stm_lms_instructors_carousel, stm_lms_recent_courses, stm_lms_single_course_carousel)

  • Feature: Added WPBackery modules (stm_courses_searchbox, stm_lms_courses_carousel, stm_lms_courses_categories, stm_lms_courses_grid, stm_lms_featured_teacher, stm_lms_instructors_carousel, stm_lms_recent_courses, stm_lms_single_course_carousel)

  • Feature: Added Elementor widgets (stm_courses_searchbox, stm_lms_courses_carousel, stm_lms_courses_categories, stm_lms_courses_grid, stm_lms_featured_teacher, stm_lms_instructors_carousel, stm_lms_recent_courses, stm_lms_single_course_carousel)

  • Fixed: Announcement not showing in wishlist page

  • Fixed: Assignment not sent

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs


  • Fixed: readme changed


  • Fixed: dashboard announcement banner


  • Added: Now course curriculum has practical use – if user is logged in and bought course, curriculum leads to lesson directly

  • Added: MasterStudy App banner added

  • Added: Automatic registration for instructor feature added (optionally)

  • Localization: Russian language updated

  • Fixed: Add student feature default style bug fixed

  • Fixed: Keyword question type empty answer bug fixed


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • New: Lesson Style (Classic) added

  • New: Assign Students to Course feature added


  • New: Courses Attachments added

  • New: Course Finished Statistics menu

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • New: Courses Filter added

  • New: Instructor menu

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • Fixed: Instructor profile page issues fixed

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


  • New: Three brand new question types added – Item Match, Fill the Gap and Keywords

  • New: Lost Password added to popup

  • New: LazyLoad for courses

  • Fixed: Error with BuddyPress installed


  • Update: Certificate URL now works only for logged in user

  • Fixed: WPML fix for course buy. Now it adds all translated courses to user


  • Update: Course bought with subscription now updates course enrolled students

  • Removed: After complete Quiz redundant “Back” button removed

  • Fixed: Course Curriculum active tab fixed


  • Fixed: Paypal IPN fixed


  • Fixed: Bugs fixed, GDPR compliance


  • Added: PDF Generation UTF-8 symbols added (most of languages support)

  • Update: Email notification on user creating order/purchasing course for admin and user

  • Fixed: Search bug fixed (critical)

  • Fixed: Change Password + bug fixed


  • Fixed: Lessons bug with several authors


  • Added: Dashboard Announcement added


  • Added: Certificate PDF Generator Open Sans Font added


  • Localization: 8 Languages added in total

  • Fixed: Bugs fixed


  • Fixed: BUGS fixed


  • Localization: Russian and Turkish languages added

  • Fixed: BUGS fixed


  • Added: POT file updated

  • Fixed: BUGS fixed


  • Fixed: LMS Settings Save Button fixed


  • Added: Courses per row setting added


  • Localization: POT file updated

  • Fixed: BUGS fixed


  • Added: Added options to modify custom MasterStudy WordPress LMS plugin Routes as: Login, Wishlist and others POT file updated All links from routes changed in templates


  • Added: Login form “Forget password” link added.

  • Fixed: Bugs fixed


  • Fixed: Bugs fixed


  • Fixed: Instructor capabilities issue fixed


  • Added: Courses grid shortcode added


  • Fixed: Bugs fixed.

  • Added: Hooks and filter added


  • Added: Registration added in login popup as a tab


  • Fixed: Admin capabilities fixed


  • Fixed: Admin styles and bugs with curriculum fixed


  • Added: Instructors Archive added


  • Fixed: LMS Price settings fixed


  • Update: LMS Admin styles changed


  • Fixed: Bug fixes


  • Fixed: Visual Bugs Fixes (.scss files)


  • Plugin Release

Last updated

#514: PeepSo: added to ADDITIONAL Features section

Change request updated