To set up the calendar follow to BookIt Calendar > Settings. On the settings screen, you can find different tabs for different options.
General settings allow you to select the Booking type, set up the message sender name, email and customize your calendar.
Main Settings
Booking Type
Two options are available in the Booking Type dropdown:
Registered Booking
Guest Booking
Registered Booking allows your customers to book appointments under their own user account. If customers are not authorized, the booking will require them to enter the password.
Guest Booking simply asks for a Name and Email Address to book an appointment. No WordPress user is created, no password is required to submit the booking.
The Duration Of The Time Slot
The duration of the time slot can be specified in order to clarify the time interval for the next appointment.
Template & Style
Calendar Template
Two templates are available in the Calendar Template section.
You can get more detailed information about calendar templates on the Calendar Templates page of this manual.
Hide Calendar Header Titles
The Hide Calendar Header Titles option allows you to hide the calendar title.
Calendar with the header title:
Calendar without the header title, when Hide Calendar Header Titles option is enabled.
Use Custom Colors
You can customize your calendar. To do so, you need to enable the option Use Custom Colors.
This allows you to change the Base Color, Base Background Color, Highlight Color, White Color, and Dark Color.
Click on the color you want to change and select the color.
Reset all the changes by clicking on the Reset button.
Setup settings
By enabling the Clean all on delete option, all database tables and plugin settings will be deleted on the plugin uninstallation.
Last updated