System Requirements

To ensure optimal performance and avoid technical issues with the eRoom plugin, please ensure your server meets the following requirements. If you are uncertain whether your server is compatible, contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Here are the minimum server requirements:

  • WordPress Version: 6.3 or higher

  • PHP Limits

    • PHP Version: 7.4 or higher

    • PHP time Limit (max_execution_time): 300

    • PHP Post Max Size: 64 MB

  • Database: MySQL 8.0 or higher OR MariaDB version 10.4 or greater.

  • WP Memory Limit: 256 MB or higher

  • Server Modulesmod_rewrite, cURL

  • Max Upload Size: 64 MB

  • HTTPS Support

Note: Using an older version of PHP may cause compatibility issues. We strongly recommend contacting your hosting provider to upgrade to the latest PHP version.

  • Guzzle 6.3.3 or Greater It is recommended to use Guzzle 6.3.3 with eRoom Plugin. For easily sending HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services, you need to use Guzzle PHP HTTP client.

The following requirements should be set to use GuzzleHttp PHP client web service before using eRoom plugin:

  1. To use the PHP stream handler, allow_url_fopen must be enabled in your system's php.ini.

  2. To use the cURL handler, you must have a recent version of cURL >= 7.19.4 compiled with OpenSSL and zlib.

Supported Browsers

As web technology advances, it's essential to keep your website updated. Older browsers may not fully support the features of our plugin. Below is a chart outlining the systems that our plugin supports:

Desktop Version
Tablet & Mobile Version

Google Chrome

100.x and above

100.x and above

Microsoft Edge

100.x and above

100.x and above


100.x and above

100.x and above


100.x and above

100.x and above


MacOS Safari 14 and above

iOS Safari 14 and above


Latest versions preferred

Latest versions preferred

No versions of Internet Explorer are supported.

Ensuring these system requirements are met will help you make the most of the eRoom plugin and ensure a smooth, trouble-free experience.

Last updated