MasterStudy Button

There is a Gutenberg MasterStudy Button. It lets you add a button to any page of your website.

Adjusting Settings

There are Settings available in the Block section.

  • General Settings:

    • Add an Icon to Button: Enable to add an icon alongside the button text.

  • Colors:

    • Text Color: Choose the color of the button text.

    • Text Hover: Set the text color when the button is hovered over by the cursor.

    • Background Color: Define the background color of the button.

    • Background Hover: Specify the background color when the button is hovered over by the cursor.

  • Advanced:

    • Additional CSS Class(es): Add custom CSS classes to the button for further styling or functionality.

Adjusting Styles

These are Styles available in the Block section.

  • Typography:

    • Font: Choose the font for the button text.

    • Size (REM): Set the font size for the button text in REM units.

    • Appearance: Customize the appearance of the button text, such as bold, italic, underline, etc.

    • Line Height: Determine the spacing between lines of text within the button.

    • Letter Spacing: Adjust the space between letters in the button text.

    • Letter Case: Transform the text to uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, etc.

  • Dimensions:

    • Padding: Set padding to control the space between the text and the edges of the button.

    • Margin: Adjust the margin around the button.

  • Border:

    • Border: Specify the width of the border surrounding the button.

    • Radius: Set the border radius to control the curvature of the corners of the button.

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