Theme Translation
Go to Loco Translate > Themes and choose Sequoia. Here, you can create your own language to translate the non-editable content of the theme. Create a language by clicking New language.
We recommend you choose the translation storage location as “System”, shown in the screenshot below.
After clicking the Start Translation button, you will be directed to the Loco Translate editor, where you can start translating the theme strings.
Continue this step for each of the English text strings in the "Source Text" box.
Please note: Not all of the English text strings really need to be translated, nor should they be translated. For example, some are bits of text your site visitors will never see as it's on your WP Dashboard area. Or, it may be strange-looking bits of code that look like this: %1$s at %2$s . You can ignore these. When finished, click the blue “Save” button.
When finished, click the blue “Save” button.
RTL Languages
To change the theme's text to display RTL (for languages such as Hebrew), ensure that your WordPress language has been set to your desired RTL language. To do so, navigate to WP Dashboard > Settings > Site Language > and change the language here. Save changes.
If you notice any text elements that are still displaying LTR, feel free to contact us via support ticket. We'd be happy to help!
Last updated