Google Sign-In

This section will explain how to set up Google Sign-In in a project

To enable the Google Sign-In feature, first you need to go to and register your project

Create new project

In the new window, click on the "New Project" button

Then, enter the name of your project

After creating the project, go to the project settings

Go to settings "OAuth consent screen" to create OAuth

Select the External item and click on the "CREATE" button

Then you need to fill in all the required information for the project

Then click on the button at the bottom of the page. "SAVE AND CONTINUE"

Once you have filled everything in, you will have a project created, it will be in "Testing" mode, you will need to test the Google login, but in order to test, you will need to add a test user to start.

Next step: Go to Firebase console

Then select android project, if you don't have project in firebase console, create project.

Нажмите на "Add fingerprint", и добавьте ключи SHA-1 приложения, чтобы получить ключи SHA-1, перейдите в Android Studio в ваш проект, и в терминале введите команда

cd android

./gradlew signingReport

После того, как вы добавили ключи SHA-1, перейдите в Google Cloud Platforms, перейдите в раздел Credentials

Android Setup

Package name: Your application ID, you can find it in the AndroidManifest.xml file

SHA-1 certificate fingerprint

To get the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint, you need to go to the project, open a terminal, and open the android folder through the terminal

Then, you need to enter this command

./gradlew signingReport

Then in your terminal, the signingReport key will appear, select 2 types: debug and release

IOS setup

You can find the Bundle ID in AppStoreConnect, on the "Application Information" tab

After creating an OAuth Client ID, you can set up a project in Android Studio

Project setup

IOS Setup

If you don't have a project in Firebase, then you need to create it: Firebase for IOS

If you have a project in Firebase then you need to find the file Info.plist (ios -> Runner -> Info.plist)

You need to replace with your IOS Client ID (Reverse Client ID or IOS URL Scheme)

Last updated