Update the theme

We will periodically provide updates on your theme. These updates are essential if you want to have a bug-free website as we give new features and improvements to the theme over time. Some of these updates might be needed in order to make the theme compatible with newer versions of WordPress.

Note: There is no risk of losing your settings and pages when you update the theme. However, any modifications you have made to the core theme files will be lost, so you should back up those files before you update the theme.

Tip: After upgrading the theme, you can update extra plugins via Appearance > Install Plugins.

There are three ways of updating our WordPress themes to newer versions:

  • Updating via the WordPress Admin Panel (using Dashboard > Updates)

  • Update via the WordPress Admin Panel (using an extra plugin)

  • Updating via FTP

Updating via the WordPress Admin Panel (using Dashboard > Updates)

The easiest way of updating the theme is via Dashboard > Updates. When an update is available for your theme, you will get a notification in your WordPress Dashboard and you can update your theme by clicking on Dashboard > Updates and updating the theme (just as you would update any other installed theme).

Note: You will need the Token key you had generated when you had originally installed the theme. You will find this under the Settings > API Keys section of your profile on Themeforest.

Updating via the WordPress Admin Panel (using an Extra Plugin)

For this method, you should first install the Theme Upgrades Tool (http://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/). This plugin will update your theme when you upload the homepress.zip file.

Once you have installed the Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin:

  • Download the theme file update from ThemeForest.

  • Extract the homepress.zip file from the downloaded theme file.

  • In the WordPress dashboard, click on Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme > Browse.

  • Select the homepress.zip file that you extracted in step 2 and click on Install Now.

Updating via FTP

Another way of updating your theme is via FTP. Extract the contents of the homepress.zip file (which you will find inside the theme update file you have downloaded from Themeforest). The contents will be extracted to a folder called homepress\ and to subfolders within the homepress folder.

Tip: Make sure your unzipping software does not create any extra directory with the same name nested within the homepress\ folder.

Using an FTP program, upload the homepress\ folder (and its subfolders) to /wp-content/themes/ on your web server.

Note: The FTP program will give a warning that the homepress\ folder already exists. Choose Replace All.

Final Tip: Whichever method you use to update your theme, clear your browser cache after each update if you notice anything off. Old theme files can sometimes persist in your local cache and make you think something’s wrong.

Last updated

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