Custom Fields
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Custom Fields or Listing categories are essential features of the Motors plugin, designed to organize and display specific information about vehicles effectively. Each custom field allows you to provide detailed, relevant data about the vehicles you are listing, ensuring potential buyers have all the information they need at a glance.
Utilizing custom fields helps streamline the process of managing your inventory, enabling you to present your vehicles in a professional and organized manner. Whether you are listing cars, trucks, motorcycles, or other vehicles, these categories ensure that all pertinent information is easily accessible and well-presented.
You can create a new custom field (listing category) and customize filter options via the WordPress Dashboard. Navigate to Motors Plugin > Custom Fields to set up categories that suit your specific needs.
Custom Field can be edited by expanding it or clicking on the plus (+) icon:
When creating custom fields (listing categories) in the Motors plugin, several fields are essential for properly setting up and displaying your categories. Here are the required fields and their descriptions:
Singular Name: This is the singular label of the custom field (listing category). It is used to identify individual items within this custom field .
Plural Name: This is the plural label of the custom field. It is used to identify multiple items within this custom field (category).
Slug: The URL-friendly version of the custom field name. This should be as short as possible to ensure a clean and concise URL structure.
Choose Icon: This is the symbol that represents the custom field. It will be displayed on a single listing page to visually differentiate this custom field from others.
Required: When adding a new listing, all the fields marked as required must be filled in.
Number field - When a custom field is marked as "Number", it will only accept numerical values and not text. These fields can be displayed in Slider view on the Inventory page:
Use on item grid view - when the option is enabled the custom field will be visible in Grid view on the inventory page:
Use on item list view - when the option is enabled the custom field (category) will be visible in the List view on the inventory page:
Use on the single car page - the custom field (category) with its value will be included in the "Car Details section"]
Use on a car filter - the custom field (category) will be included in Classic Inventory:
Multiple select for filter - the custom field (category) and its value will be included in the Car Filter section
Use images for this category - when activated, it becomes possible to upload images for the taxonomies associated with this category:
Use on car filter as block with links - when enabled the options of the custom field (category) will be displayed in the list view on the Classic filter:
Use this category in the generated Listing Filter title - the chosen options will be included in the title of the search results for the inventory
Use on the listing archive as checkboxes - the taxonomies will be displayed in the checkbox view in the Inventory filter:
Show in the admin column table - the options will be displayed for site administrator in Dashboard > Listings > All items section:
To make changes to the default taxonomies/values of the listing category, simply click on the list icon in the manage column:
Taxonomies that already exist can be modified or removed in an opened window:
Adding additional taxonomies can be beneficial for modifying the minimum and maximum values of numerical fields like Price.