Listing Preferences
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Listing preferences are the set of settings in the Listing Edit Page except the settings in the Listing Manager. In this manual, we will see every setting in the Motors Plugin > Listings > Edit:
Here is the overview of the Listing Edit Page:
To view the settings for Listing Manager, refer to this manual:
Listing ManagerAt the top of the page, you have to set a title to your listing:
At the bottom of the listing title, there is an editable link which brings you to the single listing page:
To this field, you can provide any text that will be published in the Seller's Note section of the Single Listing Page:
The field is powered by Editor:
Here are the tools in the editor (left to right)
Paragraph Format - A dropdown menu to set text as different types, such as a paragraph or heading.
Bold (B) - Makes the selected text bold.
Italic (I) - Italicizes the selected text.
Bulled (unordered) List - Inserts unordered list.
Numbered (ordered) List - Inserts ordered list.
Blockquote (b-quote) - Creates a blockquote, used for indicating quoted text or highlighting specific sections.
Align Left, Center, Right, Justify - These tools allow you to align your text to the left, center, and right, or justify it evenly across the page.
Insert/Edit Link - Inserts or edits hyperlinks into the content.
Insert Read More tag - Inserts read more tag
Full-Screen Mode - Turns the editor to the fullscreen mode.
Toolbar Toggle - This button toggles additional tools for formatting options. Here are they
Strikethrough - Makes the selected text bold.
Horizontal line - Inserts horizontal line.
Text color (A) - Changes the color of the selected text, allowing you to highlight or differentiate specific sections.
Paste as text - Pastes content as plain text, removing any formatting or styles from the copied text.
Special Characters (Ω) - Inserts special characters or symbols (like ©, ™, €, etc.) into the content.
Clear Formatting - Removes all formatting from the selected text, returning it to plain text.
Decrease Indent - Decreases the indent.
Increase Indent - Increases the indent.
Undo - Reverts the last action performed in the editor.
Redo - Redoes the last undone action.
Keyboard Shortcuts (?) - Opens a help guide for the editor, providing the available hotkeys (shortcuts).
On the right sidebar, there is a special Publish section that controls the publication process of the listing:
Status - here you can change the status of the listing. Available statuses are:
Published - listing is visible to everyone.
Pending Review - listing is submitted by listing creation form and awaiting the moderation. The listing is not visible on your website.
Drafted - listing is not ready to publish. The listing is not visible on your website.
Visibility - This is a native WordPress setting for posts. But the setting will be ignored by Motors Plugin.
Revisions - This is a native WordPress setting for posts. Here you can check the changes made on the listing.
Published on - date of the publication of the listing. It will be set automatically once you publish the listing. However, you can change it from here anytime.
Move to Trash - moves the listing to the trash and it will be inaccessible on your website.
Update/Publish - buttons to save/publish the listing.
There is an availability to check the views for the specific listing and a phone number. Counters can be reset by the special button as well.
Info about the views and clicks activity will be visible on their profile page for dealers as well.
Author - here you can adjust the author of the listing.
Mark as Featured - the listing will be highlighted as featured on the search results page and in other promotional places. You can adjust the Featured Listing preferences in Motors Plugin Settings.
Mark as Sold - adds the Sold badge to the listing. You can adjust the Sold Listing preferences in Motors Plugin Settings.