How to Get Support

The copy of the Companion theme includes 6 months of complimentary item support from the purchase date. During those 6 months, our support team is available to provide swift assistance to figure out any potential issues you have in using the theme.

Important notice! Our support team acts within the scope of ThemeForest support policy. The full definition of support is available here.

Theme support is a service provided directly by our agents through our official support website. Support is limited to questions regarding the theme’s features or problems with the theme and bundled plugins. We are not able to provide support for code customizations or third-party plugins.

If you need help with anything other than included features of the theme, we suggest contacting our theme customization team.

Before submitting a ticket

To speed up your request processing, we require that you follow all the steps below before submitting a new support ticket. It's crucial and will help make the entire process more efficient. We respectfully demand the everyone who submits a support request follow these steps.

Please check the following before you submit a ticket

  • Ensure you are running the most recent version of Companion and all the core plugins are up to date.

  • Always check for theme release notes

  • Check our documentation for the answer to your question.

  • Try to disable any additional 3rd party plugins to see if this fixes the issue.

  • Try to switch to the main theme in case you are using the Child theme

  • Make sure you’ve cleared all your caches, browser, and website.

  • If you cannot find the answer to your question, fill out this form and our support team will assist you.

How to start receiving support

1. You can reach our support page by clicking Submit a ticket button on Companion Dashboard

Or Click here and log in using the Login with Envato button to enter your support account. It will synchronize with your Envato account and very your purchase.

2. Select Create a Ticket link at the top of the profile page.

3. Choose a Purchased Theme License option.

4. Select the Companion item from the list of themes.

5. Fill out the form and submit your ticket.

Extending and Renewing Item Support

The support options available to you depend on when you make the support purchase.

  • A support upgrade is 6 months of additional support that can be purchased at the time of buying the item.

  • A support extension is 6 months of support that can be purchased at any time after the initial purchase of the item, provided the current support period hasn’t expired.

  • A support renewal is 6 months of support that can be purchased after any existing support for an item has expired.

To be eligible to extend or renew support you must have less than 6 months of support remaining and the author must still be supporting the item. You will then be able to purchase a support extension or renewal from the Downloads or Item page. The cost of support is determined by the type of support and is calculated as a percentage of the item price (the price paid to the author for the item license).

How do I renew or extend my support?

In order to extend or renew an item's support offering, you must have less than 6 months of the existing support period remaining and also the author must still be offering support on their item.

To renew the support component on an item, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your account

  • Hover over your username and click 'Downloads' from the drop-down menu.

  • The downloads section displays a list of all the items purchased using your account.

  • Click on 'Renew support now!' or ‘Extend now’ next to the item you wish to renew the item support for and that’s it!

Why can’t I extend or renew support for an item?

There are two reasons why you are unable to extend or renew support:

  1. You have more than 6 months of support remaining on your current support grant;

  2. The author has nominated to no longer support the item.

Last updated