Header Navigation
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Last updated
Header Navigation section of the Page Settings allows to customize Header Menu for the Page individually:
Style -Inverse - This option swappers logo and dark logo.
Transparent Header - When this option is enabled, the header will be positioned absolutely above the blocks.
This option shows additional settings for Main Header. When the option is disabled after making changes, settings will still be applied.
Header Background - The background color of the Main header that will be applied when the Transparent header is disabled.
Header Shadow - The background color of the line that will be displayed below the Main Header.
Additional Customization - This option shows additional settings for WooCommerce Cart Icon. When it is enabled colors can be customized individually for the page.
Additional Customization - This option shows additional settings for WPML Language Switcher. When it is enabled colors can be customized individually for the page.
Additional Customization - This option shows additional settings for Social Icons. When the option is disabled after making changes, settings will still be applied.