Title Box Options
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Last updated
Title Box Options section of the Page Settings allows to customize Hero section for the Page individually.
When "Default" is selected among available options the settings will be applied from theme options.
Disable Title Box option remove the title box section from the pages/posts.
This is how the default title box section looks like when it is enabled or disabled:
Make the Title Box section background color transparent by enabling the Transparent Title Box option
Here you can set the background image for the title box section. Upload the wished background image or enter the image URL on the Background Image field, and set up its displaying options.
The Background image will overwrite the Background color and will be applied when the Transparent header is disabled.
Configure the page Title Color and Title Line Color on the appropriate fields.
If you wish to remove the page title, turn on the Disable Title option.
Disable/enable the displaying of breadcrumbs navigation links on the page using the Disable Breadcrumbs option.
The Breadcrumbs will be displayed if the Breadcrumb NavXT plugin is installed. All the settings of breadcrumbs can be configured under the Settings > Breadcrumb NavXT section of the admin dashboard. A detailed guide about how to adjust the breadcrumbs, please read in the documentation of the plugin here.