Inventory Main Settings

On the Main section of the Inventory Settings tab located the major options. Below are descriptions of all of them, let's have a look.

The theme layouts contain a unique structure and complex functionality. Therefore, the settings and sections of the Theme Options may differ depending on the installed layout.

User-Friendly URL

Enabling this setting will create SEO-friendly links that lead to the Inventory page.

That's how it will look when user-friendly links are enabled:

Enabling this option will display uploaded images of the listing when hovered over.

Listing Archive "Title Box" Title

You can specify the title name for the Inventory page here.

For correctly applying this option, the Title Box section should be enabled under the Page Options > Title Box field on the Inventory backend page.

The text will be displayed if the Inventory page is not indicated on the Inventory Archive Page field.

Hide Price Labels on Listing Archive

Enable the Hide Price Labels on Listing Archive option to remove the price labels from the price section of the listing

The "Hide Price Labels on the Listing Archive" option is only available on List View.

Default Title

Here you can set a custom heading for the Inventory page.

The Default Title option is unavailable on the Elementor version of the Classified demo layouts. The title should be changed when editing the page with Elementor in these layouts.

Inventory Archive Page

On the Inventory Archive Page field, you need to indicate on which page to display the listing archive page:

All search forms will redirect users to the Inventory page when a filter is applied.

Inventory Sidebar

Decide on which sidebar to display on the Inventory page. You can also select the Without sidebar option to disable the sidebar on the page.

How to Set Up the Sidebar

The selected sidebar displays below the Search form.

This setting is not available in the Elemenbtor version of Classified demos.

Compare Page

On the Compare Page field indicate the compare page. It needs to add the STM Compare module to the selected page.

Listing View Type

Here you can set the default view of listings on the Inventory page.

The Listing View Type option is not available on the Equipment layout.

The selected choice affects how the settings for the grid/list card view are displayed.

Grid/List Card Settings

Bind WP Search form with Inventory

The Bind WP Search option binds the WordPress default search option to the Inventory page. So if you search something via WordPress default search the page will be redirected to the Inventory page.

The searched elements will be displayed on the WordPress default Search results page:

Display Additional Features on Inventory Filter

Enable this option to display the sorting by Additional listing features.

Enable Favorite Button

You can also display the Add to Favorites option on the Inventory page by turning on the Enable Favorite Button option.

Sort Options

Select listing categories with number type to display on the inventory page as sort options:

Default Sort Option

Here you can select the default sort condition of the Inventory page.

Filter Position

Decide on which position you wish to display the Filter area on the Inventory page: left or right.

This setting is not available in the Elementor version of Classified demos.

Listing Sidebar Filter Background

Here you can upload the background image for the Filter.

The Listing Sidebar Filter Background option is not available on the Elementor version of Classified layouts.

Sold Listings

Enable the Sold Listings property, select the badge background color, and click the Save Settings button.

This option includes sold listings on the inventory and single listing page view respectively.

Sold Listings

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