Listing Type Categories

You can add unique categories and custom taxonomies for each listing type you created. Moreover, the Motors Listing Types plugin allows setting up custom search options, visualization, and other settings.

Add Category

To add categories, find your listing type from the dashboard menu and navigate to the Categories section.

Click ADD NEW to reveal a category from.

Fill out the form fields with appropriate data and select category display options.

NOTE: Slug name should be unique. It accepts English letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Use the Preview button to see how the display option works in category settings.

Click the Save button to publish a category

Add Taxonomy

Click a manage icon of a newly added category

You will be redirected to the Taxonomy page

Fill out Name and Slug fields

NOTE: Slug name should be unique. It accepts English letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Click the Add New button to list a taxonomy in the table on the right

Numeric Categories

The system defines all the categories where the Number field option is selected as numeric categories.

NOTE: Numeric categories are only for integer taxonomies. Symbols, hyphens, decimals, etc. are not acceptable.

By default, numeric categories display as range values. You'll need to add taxonomy values with a certain interval to get the best result.

Numeric categories can be displayed in the MLT Classic filter and MLT Search Tabs elements.

Besides this, numeric categories can be displayed as a slider range via enabling Display field as slider in tabs and Display field as slider (Only classic filter) options.

In that case, you'll need to add the proper minimum and maximum taxonomy values.

And, numeric categories will display differently in the MLT Classic filter and MLT Search Tabs.

Price Category

There is a special option in the Number field settings - Listing price field.

This option links the numeric category with the Price and Sale Price fields of a single listing. It allows using that category as a Price filter.

Last updated