Single Listing Templates

Layout of all published listings will be displayed according to a single listing template. You can make your listings more unique by creating an original template for them.

How to create a single listing template using Elementor

It is possible to create several layouts and set them as default for all newly published listings with Elementor.

Switching between demo templates

When demo content is imported, the default template for a single listing will be created by the system. By opening Theme options > Single listing templates section, the following templates can be found for further customizations:

  • Carousel Gallery

  • Mosaic Gallery

  • Modern

  • Classic

The following layouts are available in Dealership One, Dealership Two, Classified One, Classified Two, Classified Three, and Multi Listing types demos.

Link for demo listing:

The preview of the Classic template:

Creating custom listing templates

You can either edit the default templates by clicking on the "Edit" button or create your own template by clicking the "+ Listing Template" button.

When customizing the templates, use widgets from the "Motors Single Listing" section to display listing data.

You can change the image size when editing the Image size element on Elementor widgets:

After creating templates, you can set it as default, and it will be applied to all listings.

Please note template will be applied automatically to all listings that users and dealers publish on your website.

How to create a single listing template using WPBakery

You can create your own template for listings using WPBakery Page Builder. To do this follow the simple steps below.

Saving demo listing layout as a template

When demo content is imported, the template for a single listing will be created by the system. To save the layout of demo listings globally go to the Dashboard > Listings > All Items section and edit one of the published listings:

To save the demo listing layout as a template, click on the "Template" icon.

In the opened window set the title and save the template :

Creating custom listing layouts

Using the WPbakery Page Builder you can build the unique layout. To do this, create a blank listing by going to Dashboard > Listings > Add new:

While editing the listing select the "Blank Page" option to continue:

Click on the Plus or Add Element to add a new widget:

Select the required elements and add them.

While building layout, use widgets from the "STM Single Listing" section to display listing data.

Afterward, you can save your template by clicking on the template icon.

In the opened window set the title and save the custom template :

How to set a global template for listings

Now you can apply your template as default to all your future listings. To do this, follow Dashboard > WPBakery Page Builder > General Settings from your dashboard. By scrolling to the section Default template for post types for the Listings select the template you saved from the dropdown menu and save changes.

Please note this template will be applied only to the listings you will create in the future. All listings that you already have on the website will save their layouts.

How to set global templates for multi-listing types

By installing the Motors Listing Types plugin, it is possible to create several post types.

Motors Listing Types

In Dashboard > WPBakery Page Builder > General Settings, you can set individual templates for each listing type:

Last updated