WooCommerce Adjustments

The rental products are based on the WooCommerce plugin.

Here is a guide to configuring the basic settings of WooCommerce to ensure proper functionality of the Rental Demos. We recommend adjusting all settings according to the WooCommerce documentation.

General Settings of Products

The General section includes settings for Shop Pages, Measurements, and Reviews. This allows you to manage checkout settings, choose units of measurement, and control the availability of product reviews and ratings.

Shop pages

This is an archive page for Products, where all vehicles will be showcased.

To customize the Auto Rental One layout, modify the product archive page and add a featured image. This image will serve as the background for the reservation form.

WooCommerce Pages

The WooCommerce plugin requires specific Pages to be set up to direct users to perform certain actions.

Remember to specify the Cart page, Checkout page, and My Account pages under the WooCoomerce > Settings > Advanced > Pages Setup section.

Cart Page

The content of the Cart page should include the shortcode [woocommerce_cart]. In the Auto Rental One demo, this page displays the vehicle that was selected on the Reservation page.

Checkout page

This page is where the customer will enter their payment information and submit orders. By default, WooCommerce renders its content via shortcode: [woocommerce_checkout].

My Account Page

This page is where registered customers can view their orders or update their account details.

For guest users, a Login/Register form will be displayed on the My Account page.

Terms and conditions

This page shows terms and conditions. To use a Terms and Conditions page, create a new page for it at Pages > Add New.

The Terms and Conditions appear inline during checkout, and the customer can scroll through the content and tick the checkbox to accept.

Payments Settings

To enable users to create orders, payment methods must be enabled in WooCommerce's Payment Settings. Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Payments to control which payment gateways are enabled.

The installed gateways are listed and can be rearranged by dragging and dropping to determine the order in which they are displayed to customers during checkout.

Last updated