Rental Layout Settings

The Rental Layout Settings section exists only in the Rent a Car Service and Rent a Car Service Two layouts.

Reservation Date Page

On the Reservation Date Page field, you should specify the page where the reservation information will be displayed.

The page chosen should have specific Elementor or WPBakery modules to show the list of vehicles, depending on the page builder.

Reservation Page

Checkout Order Received Endpoint Page

Here you need to specify the order received page:

The Auto Rental One demo will display the page content after successful payment, under the order details:

Enable Fixed Price for Quantity Days

Turn on the Enable Fixed Price for Quantity Days option to set up fixed prices for rental products at a discount for the number of days.

The fixed price can be specified under the Rental products > Car Rent Price Info > Fixed Price By Quantity Days section on the vehicle backend-side page:

The fixed price will be multiplied by the number of selected days if the conditions for the fixed price are met.

In the example above, we have established a fixed price of $8 for bookings of 5 days or more. When customer books vhicle for 10 days fixed price will be applied: $8 x 10 = $800.

When booking for fewer days, the regular price of the product will be multiplied by the number of selected days.

Pricing system

The Popup Discount Program Description will appear on the vehicle reservation page on clicking the discount field.

The option works if the Fixed Price for Quantity Days option is disabled.

The discounts can be set while editing the Rental products > Car Rent Price Info > Discount By Days section on the WordPress dashboard:

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