Custom Fields
Available in Dealership and Classified
Last updated
Available in Dealership and Classified
Last updated
Custom Fields also known as Listing categories tab is available in Dealership and Classified demo layouts. In the manual below you will find:
Custom Fields or Listing Categories are considered key listing features and include specific vehicle information. The vehicles on the Search Results page are sorted by these categories on the Inventory Filter.
Search Results PageThe WordPress Dashboard > Motors Plugin > Custom Fields section allows you to modify the demo categories or add your own filter options.
The Category (custom field) can be edited by expanding it or clicking on the pencil icon:
The available options for listing categories (custom fields) are as follows:
Singular name - Singular label of Listing category.
Plural name - Plural label of Listing category.
Slug - The URL for the listing category should be as short as possible.
Choose icon - The symbol representing the category will be shown on a single listing page:
Number field - When a category is marked as "Number", it will only accept numerical values and not text. These fields can be displayed in Slider view on the Inventory page:
Use on item grid view - when the option is enabled the category will be visible in Grid view on the inventory page:
Use on item list view - when the option is enabled the category will be visible in the List view on the inventory page:
Use on the single car page - the category with its value will be included in the "Car Details section":
Use on a car filter - the category will be included in Classic Inventory:
Use in tabs - The category will be displayed in tabs of the inventory page in the Motorcycles demo:
Use on car modern filter - the category will be included in Modern Inventory in WPBakery Page builder:
Use images for this category - when activated, it becomes possible to upload images for the taxonomies associated with this category:
Use on car filter as a block with links - when enabled the options of the category will be displayed in the list view on the Classic filter:
Use in the footer search - when enabled, the taxonomies can be searched in the footer search of Classified demos:
Use this category in generated Listing Filter title - the chosen options will be included in the title of the search results for the inventory in WPBakery Classified demos:
Set parent taxonomy - it is possible to set a certain listing category as a parent for another one. In this case, there will be a relationship between the taxonomies of these categories.
Use on the listing archive as checkboxes - the taxonomies will be displayed in the checkbox view in the Inventory filter:
Show in the admin column table - the options will be displayed for site administrator in WP Dashboard > Motors Plugin > Listings section:
To make changes to the default taxonomies/values of the listing category (custom field), simply click on the list icon in the manage column:
Taxonomies that already exist can be modified or removed in an opened window:
To add a new classification for a chosen category of listings, just complete the necessary information and click on the save button:
Adding additional taxonomies can be beneficial for modifying the minimum and maximum values of numerical fields like Price.
The relationship feature is included for the Listing Search widgets that appear on the home page and Inventory filters. The feature allows connecting taxonomies and displaying child taxonomies depending on parent one.
This option helps to find & select needed makes and models faster. In order to realize this relationship you need to follow these steps:
By editing the "Model" listing category we will set the "Make" category (custom field) as a parent:
After this it is required to go to Manage Models and set the correct parent Makes for each Model:
Now, when you select make from the Search form only corresponding models will be displayed:
The parent-child relationship between Makes and Models can be imported in bulk using the manual provided below.