Image Radio (Pro feature)

The Image Radio element is similar to the existing Radio button element. However, the element allows you to add radio button options with a set of images for customers to choose one among them.

Element Tab

The primary configuration options for the element can be modified in the Element tab. The Image Radio element has the following attributes in the Element tab:

  • Name - Title of the element Element.

  • Description - Description of the element.

  • Label - Add options for users to choose from

  • Value or Price - Add values (only numbers) to options

  • Image - You can upload images

  • Add New - You can add as many options as you need

  • Default Value - The default value field takes inputs after you add option values in Add Radio Options

  • Type of Label in Total - Choose how to display the label in the total

  • Show Value - Displays the values of the Radio options.

  • Label Only(No calculation)- Displays the label of the Radio options and the value will not be included in Total Calculations. It is useful when the field is used to create conditions.

  • Label Only(Calculation Value)- Displays the label of the Radio options and the value will be included in Total Calculations.

Show Value - Displays the values of the Image Radio options.

Styles Tab

The Styles tab is available in the Pro version of the plugin and there you can adjust the appearance of the field. The Image Radio element contains the following attributes in the Styles tab:

  • Style - For Image Radio options the "Default" and "Box with icon" views are available.

  • Box style - When the "Box with icon" style is selected, the Image Radio options can be aligned with "Vertical" and "Horizontal" views.

  • Style preview - A preview of the selected style will be displayed.

  • Apply this radio style to all radio fields in this calculator - When the option is enabled selected style will be applied to all Image Radio elements in the calculator which is being edited.

Settings Tab

The File Upload element has the following attributes in the Settings Tab:

  • Show Currency Sign - Enable if you want to show the currency sign.

  • Required - Defines whether the element will be required to fill or not.

  • Round Value - Enable if you want not to round the value to the whole number.

  • Hidden by Default - The element will be hidden until a corresponding condition is met.

  • Show in Grand Total - Disable if you want to hide the element in Grand Total.

The result of the Image Radio element will be displayed in the total summary.

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