PDF Entries feature is available in the pro version of the plugin and allows exporting the Total summary of calculations in a .pdf document. This feature allows sendingcalculated quotes in PDF format as an invoice as well. Users can get these PDF entries after completing the order on the confirmation page, on the same page as a calculator, or via email. Admin can access it in the Orders tab.
Activating PDF Entries
The PDF Entries option can be enabled in Cost Calculator Global Settings by toggling the "Activate PDF Entries" button:
After activating the PDF Entries, the PDF Download button will automatically appear on your calculators:
You can turn on the 'Show button only after payment' setting to make the button visible after completing the payment by the user.
In the individual settings of the calculator, you can also enable to add a PDF Download button for the Confirmation Page as well:
Button to share receipt will be available if the Share Quote Form is enabled.
Email Quotes with PDF Entries
There is an availability to send email quotes with PDF entries. To enable this feature follow the Global Settings > Share Quote Form and fill in the required fields:
To get know more about this feature, refer to this manual:
Customization of PDF Entries
Cost Calculator offers a powerful builder to customize the PDF Entries. You can create almost any invoice or quote using our builder with simple logic.
Overview of PDF Entries Tab
We can divide the PDF Entries tab into several sections as shown below:
In this section, you can choose the template and rename it, save it for future uses, rename the PDF Download button text, change the document layout and other settings.
To start, you have to select one of the templates and change it according to your needs. To do it, click on the Select Templates button.
On the opened pop-up, templates are organized into two tabs: Default Templates and My Templates:
Default templates - ready-to-use customizable templates come with the plugin
My Templates - all of your saved templates.
Here are the available Default Templates:
Colored blocks
Burgundy Sidebar
Contrast Pink
Mesh Gradient
Dark Paper
Yellow Paper
Gray Geometry
Abstract Mint
Contrast Blue
Purple Paper
Green Sidebar
Highlighted Blocks
Restore Styles - undo all changes that you have done to the template and restore the original style of the template
Preview - opens a printable preview of the PDF in a new tab
Name - give a name to your template
Button text - rename the button that enables users to download this PDF file in the calculator
Show button only after payment - hides the PDF Download button and shows it only when the payment has been processed or the order is submitted successfully.
After making any modifications, changes should be saved by clicking Save and/or Publish buttons on the top right corner of the section.
In the document section, global settings for the blocks can be set up. It consists of three tabs:
The settings in the Document section will be applied to all blocks as well. However, you can freely change them in the block's settings.
In this tab, the body party of the PDF can be customized.
Text Color - indicate the color for texts. You can put the hexadecimal color code or just use the color picker of the Cost Calculator.
Background Color - indicate the color for the background. You can put the hexadecimal color code or just use the color picker of the Cost Calculator.
Background Image - upload or select the image as a background.
Angle Radius - indicate the angle radius for the body in terms of pixels.
Side Paddings - indicate the side in terms of pixels.
In the Sidebar tab, the overall behavior and the layout of the sidebar can be modified.
Color settings of the Sidebar can be enabled or disabled. If it is disabled, respective settings will be inherited from the Body tab.
Sidebar Position (3 options) - Choose the Sidebar position in the first row
Left Sidebar - puts the sidebar to the left side of the document
No Sidebar - removes the sidebar from the sidebar entirely. In this case, all of the blocks in the Sidebar will be automatically moved to the Body
Right Sidebar - puts the sidebar to the right side of the document
Text Color - indicate the color for texts. You can put the hexadecimal color code or just use the color picker of the Cost Calculator.
Background Color - indicate the color for the sidebar background. You can put the hexadecimal color code or just use the color picker of the Cost Calculator.
In this tab, border settings can be modified for the entire document.
Show Border - enable the toggle to add a border to the entire document
Border Position - choose one of the four positions to display the border. Available options are
4-sided border
Left-side border only
Right-side border only
Top border only
Bottom border only
Border Color - indicate the color of the border
Border Size - indicate the thickness of the border in terms of pixels
Body Section
The body section contains blocks that will be displayed in the body part of the PDF.
Sidebar Section
The Sidebar section may not be in the builder as it depends on the selected layout.
This section contains blocks that will be displayed in the sidebar part of the PDF.
Blocks are the essential parts of PDF Entries. They display static and dynamic information.
Static Information - block titles, descriptions, details, etc. In short, any information that you have entered in this builder. For instance, the company logo, slogan, title are the same in all PDF receipets.
Dynamic Information - information that will be added by the calculator automatically based on the user input in the calculator. For instance, Order ID, Created Date, and Order Details are dynamic.
Initially, background color and text color settings are inherited from global settings (Documents section). But you can freely change them in block settings.
You can click on the blocks in the preview and their settings will be opened on the right side - in the body or sidebar section:
Blocks can be turned on and off using the toggles and can be reordered freely, even within the Body and Sidebar sections:
If you expand the blocks, you'll access their settings. Each block's settings are organized into multiple tabs, tailored to what the block displays, making the settings unique to each block.
Top Text Block
In the Top Text Block, you can include your 'Thank you' message to the customer for using your service. It has two tabs in its settings:
In this tab, you can indicate the title and the body of the top text block.
Alignment - choose one of the four alignments for the block
Text Color - choose the color for the texts in the block
Background Color - choose the color for the background of the block
Order ID and Date
This block displays the unique Order ID and the Order Creation Date. It has these tabs in its settings:
You can enable or disable the Order ID and edit the corresponding text.
Note that the Order ID will be inserted by the calculator automatically.
Show - indicate the label for the Order Date. Additionally, you can hide the date by disabling the toggle.
Format - indicate the date and time format.
Note that the Order Date will be inserted by the calculator automatically.
Alignment - choose one of the four alignments for the block
Text Color - choose the color for the texts in the block
Background Color - choose the color for the background of the block
Order Block
Order Block is the most important block in our builder. It displays the order details, calculations, total price, and more. Additionally, you can add a QR Code, stamp, and signature to improve the document's overall look and confidentiality. Here are the available tabs in the block's settings:
Order details will be inserted by the calculator automatically.
Show Payment Method - displays the payment method in the block (e.g. Stripe, PayPal, Cash Payment)
Show QR Code - insert the QR Code of the URL link that you have provided below.
Note that, this is a static QR Code, which means it is universal for all PDFs. It does not redirect to any verification page, but only to the URL link that you have specified.
Actually, you can use these image fields according to your needs. It is not mandatory to upload a stamp image to the stamp image field. It has been designed to insert the specific image to the specific location of the orders tab.
Stamp Image - upload or select the image that can be used as a stamp.
Stamp Size - indicate the size of the stamp image in terms of percentage (in 100 scale)
Signature Image - upload or select the image that can be used as a signature.
Signature Size - indicate the size of the signature image in terms of percentage (in 100 scale)
Show Lines - enables to display of the lines between the order elements within the block
Line Color - indicate the color of the lines
Line Size - indicate the thickness of the lines in pixels
Show Border - enables to display of the border for the Order Block
Border Color - indicate the color of the border. You can put the hexadecimal code of the color or use the color picker of CCB.
Border Size - indicate the thickness of the border in pixels
Angle Size - indicate the border radius of the Order Block
In this tab, you can set the colors for the heading and table background as well as texts.
Footer Text
Footer text block can be used to include the short and long notices that will usually be pasted at the bottom of the document. Here are the available settings for the footer block:
In the text tab, provide your footer text.
Alignment - choose one of the four alignments for the block
Font Size - indicate the font size for the footer text in pixels
Text Color - choose the color for the texts in the block
Background Color - choose the color for the background of the block
In the brand block, you can illustrate the logo, name, and slogan of your company. Here are the available settings for the block:
Logo Image - upload or select the logo of your company
Logo Width - indicate the logo width in pixels
Logo Height - indicate the logo height in pixels
Company Name - edit the text to replace it with your company's name
Font Size - adjust the font size for the company name
Font Color - select the color according to your needs
Company Slogan - edit the text to replace it with your company's slogan
Font Size - adjust the font size for the company slogan
Font Color - select the color according to your needs
Alignment - choose one of the four alignments for the block
Background Color - choose the color for the background of the block
Image block enables you to insert any image into the PDF. Upload or select the image in the block settings and adjust the height of it.
Company Block
Company block can be used to share general info about the company as well as the contact details. Here are the available block settings:
Enter the Block Title and description.
This tab contains several text line input fields. For the initial 4 ones, you can enter the short contact details of your company as shown in the picture.
The last one provides the text area input field which is designed to enter the Address of the company.
Alignment - choose one of the four alignments for the block
Text Color - choose the color for the texts in the block
Background Color - choose the color for the background of the block
Customer Block
Customer block can be used to provide the user-entered information in the order form.
This block will be different based on the Order or Contact form details that you have attached to the calculator. User-entered information in the form will automatically be included in the document.
In case the user downloads the PDF before filling in the order form, the block will be omitted in the document.
Here are the available tabs in the block's settings:
In the text tab, just enter the title for the block.
Alignment - choose one of the four alignments for the block
Text Color - choose the color for the texts in the block
Background Color - choose the color for the background of the block
Additional Text Block
In this block, you can include any additional information that you would like to include in PDF receipts.
In this tab, you can provide the block title and descriptions of the designed areas.
Alignment - choose one of the four alignments for the block
Text Color - choose the color for the texts in the block
Background Color - choose the color for the background of the block
PDF Entries with Orders
The site administrator can export orders as .pdf documents in the Orders section of the Cost Calculator dashboard:
By expanding order details, the displayed information can be sent as an email quote as well:
Let's see all the blocks we have in our builder one by one