Condition Creating Example
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Let's take an example of making the conditional system more clear.
Below you can see the initial view of the Loan Form sample calculator without any conditions.
For example, you want to create a condition for the Annual Interest Rate depending on the Loan Amount. So, you should create a link from Loan Amount to the Annual Interest Rate.
Condition: if the loan amount is greater than 15 000, set the annual interest rate to 10; if the loan amount is less than 5 000, hide the annual interest rate element.
Below you can see how it is done:
Now it is time to see the result. The first picture is for the first condition. When the loan amount is set to 16 000, the annual interest rate should be set to 10.
The second picture is for the second condition. When the loan amount is set to 3 000, the annual interest rate should be hidden.
In a similar manner, you can create different conditions for calculator elements, improving its functionality.