User/Dealer Settings

In the User/Dealer section of the Theme Options panel, you can configure the settings for Classified Users (Simple User and Dealer User).

Please pay attention:

The User/Dealer tab section is available only in the Classified Listing, Classified Listing Two, Three, Four, and Multi Listing types layouts.

In the Main area, the common settings for the Simple User and STM Dealer users are located. Let's have a look at them:

Login/Registration Page

On the "Login/Registration Page" field choose the login/register page which contains the "Login Register" widget.

Users have the option to create an account via the Login/Register page.

Enable Email Confirmation

When enabled, a confirmation link will be sent to the email of users after they have registered on your website.

You can edit the template for email confirmation on the Dashboard > Tools > Email Template Manager section of the admin dashboard.

Email Templates

Dealer List Page

Here, on the Dealer List Page field, you need to indicate the Dealers List page. The selected page has to contain the STM Dealer List module.

The Dealers Lists section displays only the users with the STM Dealer user role.

Add a Car Page

If you wish to allow users to add listings, indicate the Add a Car page on the Add a Car Page field.

The page selected for adding new cars by users/dealers will also be used for editing items.

Add Listing

Image Size Limit (Kb)

On the Image Size Limit section, indicate the maximum size for the uploaded image on the Add a car page.

Note: The indicated Image Size Limit should match to the server PHP limits. Otherwise, the Add a Car page may freeze or the listing can be upload without images.

We recommend increasing upload_max_filesize and max_file_uploads according to the indicated Image Size Limit.

Send Email to Dealer/Private Seller

To notify users who have added a listing about its approval status, you can enable the option to send an email to the dealer or private seller.

The User listing waiting and the User Listing Approved email templates you can change under the Tools > Email Template Manager section of the admin dashboard.

Allow Dealer Add New Category

Also, you can allow to users add a new category on the Add a Car page if there is no such category enabled.

Listing Categories

The option is available only for the user with the STM Dealer user role.

Enable Pricing Plans (Woocommerce)

Turn on the Pricing Plans option to enable the WooCommerce subscriptions on your website.

More about Pricing Plans read on the Pricing plans page:

Pricing Plans

Indicate the page with pricing options in the Pricing Link field.

On the selected Pricing page the Pricing Table should be added and configured.

Site Demo Mode

Enable the Site Demo Mode option to prevent new user registrations.

Previously registered users can still log in. Additionally, this option disables the ability to add new listings from the front end.

Last updated