

July 26, 2024

  • MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.30.

  • MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.24.


July 19, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.23.

  • Fix: Small bug fixes.


July 17, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.28.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.22.


July 17, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.27.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.21.

  • Enhancement: Added Social login for the Sign Up form.

  • Enhancement: When updating, a banner will appear for one-click ecosystem updates needed for MasterStudy.

  • Fix: Upcoming course timers show three-digit numbers as two-digit numbers.


July 2, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.26.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.20.

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder is updated to v7.7.2.

  • Fix: An error occurs when editing a page in the Offline courses demo using Elementor.

  • Fix: When the header menu is hovered it overlaps with the LMS content.


June 25, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.24

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.19.


June 24, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.23

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.18.

  • Enhancement: Added a setting to specify the number of attempts to pass the quiz.

  • Enhancement: Added descriptions to all settings of the plugin to make them more understandable.

  • Fix: Some strings are not available for translation because of the esc_html() function.


June 18, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.22

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.17.

  • Enhancement: Added a "Pending for review" status for a student who has left a review for the course.

  • Enhancement: Added the ability to share the course on social media with a ready-made post template.

  • Enhancement: Added More button for long Course preview description.

  • Enhancement: Added a setting to disable/enable the sticky sidebar in the admin panel for some course styles.

  • Enhancement: Added a setting to select the default tab on the Course Page.

  • Fix: The Price Info field doesn't work in the Course Builder and doesn't display on the Course Page.

  • Fix: Membership levels are not available for guest users.

  • Fix: The lesson content box is missing from the quiz when the Fill in the Gap quiz is added.

  • Fix: Fixed bugs in different Course page styles.


June 14, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.21

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.16.

  • New: Added new Gutenberg blocks: Courses Categories, Courses Grid, and Instructors Grid.

  • Enhancement: For all card styles in Gutenberg blocks that have a popup, added a setting to disable the popup

  • Fix: The string to send an email is hardcoded directly in the following file and is not translatable.


June 6, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.20

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.15.

  • Fix: Footer is displayed incorrectly within the latest theme and plugin versions.


June 5, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.19

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.14.

  • Fix: Spanish and Italian translations were not working in the plugin.

  • Fix: SCORM course content is not displayed on newer versions of the MasterStudy theme.


May 29, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.18

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.13.


May 28, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.17

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.12.

  • Fixed: MYSQL Queries for Elementor Widgets optimized.

  • Fixed: Some static strings were unavailable for translation due to a missing text-domain.

  • Fixed: The number of enrolled students increased when the course page was reloaded;

  • Fixed: Announcement content did not wrap to the next line in Email;

  • Fixed: The buy button on the bundled courses page was not visible;


May 27, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy Elementor Widgets is updated to v1.2.3.

  • Fix: Minor bug fixes.


May 24, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.11.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.16.

  • Enhancement: Redesigned the default style for the Course page.


May 16, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.10.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.14.


May 6, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.9.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.11.

  • Update: STM Configurations plugin updated - v 4.6.14.

  • Fix: Course cards are not displayed correctly and indentation appears if there are more than three courses in a row.


May 1, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.8.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.10.

  • Update: Updated Revolution Slider to the version 6.7.9.


April 29, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.7.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.9.


April 25, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.6.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.8.

  • Update: STM Configurations plugin updated - v 4.6.13.

  • Fix: An error appears when the Stm Post Type is active without the MasterStudy theme installed.

  • Fix: Removed linear icons and replaced them with IcoMoon for optimization.


April 15, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.5.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.6.

  • Fix: After the plugin queue reaches the Paid Membership Pro plugin on demo import, a redirect to their wizard is immediately triggered.

  • Fix: There was a problem with Distance learning course card borders.


April 9, 2024

  • Fix: Small bug fixes.


April 8, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.4.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.5.

  • Fix: Paid Membership Pro plans are not displayed on the page if any of them are disabled for new registrations.


April 4, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.3.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.4.

  • Fix: The header is displayed on top of the side menu of the Distance Learning layout.

  • Fix: Available in a premium version for memberships for students does not work.


April 1, 2024

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder is updated to v7.5.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.2.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.3.

  • Fix: Checked for compatibility with Paid Membership Pro 3.0.


March 20, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.1.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.1.

  • Fix: When creating an offline course using WP Bakery, if you insert a shortcode into the lesson editor, only the text itself will be displayed on the page.


March 14, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.4.0.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.3.0.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.12.

  • Enhancements: Made performance improvements by removing unnecessary post type.


February 29, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.9.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.2.10.

  • Enhancements: Optimization of the speed of the loader was performed.


February 23, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.8.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.2.8.


February 20, 2024

  • Update: Updated FontAwesome to version 6.4.2.

  • Update: Updated Woocommerce templates and WPBakery.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.7.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.2.7.

  • Fix: If there are more subcategories in the subcategories when the Online Courses header is selected in the header style options, the subcategories are shown below the dropdown.


February 15, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.6.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.2.5.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.11.

  • Fix: An error occurs in the Media Library when uploading a video via the JetPack VideoPress plugin.

  • Fix: The user avatar in the mobile view header is not loaded from the user profile.

  • Fix: There were poor-quality images on the blog page.

  • Fix: Added filetype check which triggers custom crop of images.


January 30, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.5.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.2.2.

  • Enhancements: Added an option for instructors to view unpublished courses.

  • Enhancements: Added Authorization settings section separately in Profiles Settings.

  • Enhancements: Added validation for Become Instructor form.

  • Enhancements: Added validation for Enterprise form.

  • Enhancements: Now if you click a window outside the popup for forms the popup is hidden.

  • Enhancements: Added shortcodes for authorization forms and become instructor forms.

  • Enhancements: Added a separate form for Sign up as an Instructor in the Authorization form.

  • Enhancements: Added Elementor widgets for the Authorization form and Become Instructor form.

  • Enhancements: Redesigned the registration form for profile into a single style.

  • Enhancements: Added generation of the instructor registration page in LMS Wizard.

  • Dev: Changed component templates: _core/stm-lms-templates/components/modals/become-instructor.php, _core/stm-lms-templates/components/modals/enterprise.php

  • Dev: Changed "apply_for_instructor" function in _core/lms/classes/user.php file.

  • Dev: Changed "enterprise" function in _core/lms/classes/user.php.

  • Fix: The color of the check mark and inner circle in the Success view after registration does not change.

  • Fix: The Translation of minutes in Quiz in Course Player is not working.


January 24, 2024

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.4.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.2.1.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.10.

  • Fix: When clicking on Settings from mobile view, a user is redirected to the Enrolled Courses page.

  • Fix: The Revolution Slider moves off to the left on Offline layouts.

  • Fix: Answers in quizzes with special characters are not accepted as correct.

  • Fix: The "add student" functionality through the admin panel does not work if the plan in Paid Membership Pro is set to the category in which the course is created.

  • Fix: After translating a course via WPML, a link to a translated course in another language displays a 404 page until the user saves the settings.

  • Fix: Points cut after retake functionality incorrectly cuts results after the second retake.

  • Fix: Audio files in Lesson Materials are not played in Course Player.

  • Fix: Page Title is not working correctly in Course Player.

  • Dev: Global $post object set as Lesson in Course Player page.

  • Dev: Course Player data functions refactored.

  • Dev: Courses post type made public for Sitemaps.


January 16, 2024

  • Enhancements: Updated styles for the cart & checkout templates with the update of WooCommerce.


January 5, 2024

  • Fix: Small bug fixes.


January 4, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.2.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.24.

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder is updated to v7.3.

  • Update: Revolution Slider is updated to v6.6.20.

  • Enhancement: Added styles for the slider on WPBakery so that it displays correctly on all layouts.

  • Fix: The Become Instructor and For Enterprise popups are not displayed correctly if the Sticky Header is enabled.


December 22, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.1.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.23.

  • Update: MasterStudy Elementor Widgets is updated to v1.2.2.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.7.

  • Fixed: The LMS Icon Box and LMS Icon Button of Elementor widgets do not display SVG.

  • Fixed: If the Transparent Header is enabled in page settings, the header will not be transparent when the Top Bar is off.

  • Fixed: When Sticky Transparent Header is enabled, a large white indent appears at the top of the page if you scroll a bit.

  • Fixed: If a user turns on the Transparent and Sticky header, his content and header will merge with the client.


December 7, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.0.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.19.

  • Update: Added a new feature to make video and audio recordings in Assignments.

  • Update: Added a new feature to add emojis for the passed or failed assignments.

  • Update: Added a new setting to enable file uploads in the Assignment addon settings.

  • Update: Improved the dashboard for the assignments in the admin panel and for the Instructor account.

  • Fixed: The Home page doesn't work when reinserting the Course block.


December 7, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.2.5.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.18.

  • Fixed: If email confirmation is enabled in the Profiles section of the LMS settings, the link sent doesn't work.


December 7, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.2.4.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.17.

  • Update: Added a setting to apply custom colors for Course Player pages, Authorization pages and popups.


December 5, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.2.3.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.16.

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


November 29, 2023

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Visual Composer plugin to version 7.2.

  • Update: Updated Revolution Slider to the version 6.6.18.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.2.2.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.15.

  • Fixed: Small bug fixes.


November 24, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.2.1.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.14.


November 23, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.2.0.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.13.


November 16, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.1.6.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.11.


November 8, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.1.5.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.9.


November 2, 2023

  • Fixed: The mobile menu displays categories that don't have courses in them.

  • Fixed: Fixed reCAPTCHA incompatibility of Paid Membership Pro with MasterStudy Theme.

  • Fixed: The transparent header in mobile and tablet adaptive is not working, the header will always be white.

  • Fixed: Fixed incompatibility with Ultimate Addons WP Bakery.

  • Fixed: After activating the theme child, there will be a note that asks to update the theme to the latest version, although the version of the theme is already the latest.


October 20, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.1.3.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.5.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.5.

  • Fixed: Mailchimp form is not working in the theme.

  • Fixed: On the checkout page, the information about the number of courses does not match the selected number in the membership level settings.

  • Fixed: An alert appears that an incorrect promo code has been entered, although it is correct.


October 16, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.1.2.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.3.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.4.

  • Update: Updated Woocommerce templates in the theme

  • FIxed: Minor bug fixes.


October 12, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.1.1.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.2.

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder is updated to v7.1.


October 10, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.1.0.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.0.


October 3, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.17.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.28.


September 18, 2023

  • Update: WooCommerce templates updated

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.16.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.27.


September 11, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.15.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.26.


September 5, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.14.


August 23, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.13.

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to 7.0


August 14, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.12.


August 11, 2023

  • Update: Compatibility with WordPress 6.3

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.11.


August 4, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.10.


July 18, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.8.

  • Update: WooCommerce templates updated

  • Update: Paid Memberships Pro templates updated


July 11, 2023

  • Fixed: Z index of active menu state in Architecture Demo is not working


June 27, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.9.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.4.


June 8, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.7.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.3.

  • Update: The membership Checkout template update to make it compatible with PMPro v2.5.5+.

  • Update: The Gradebook add-on was refactored.

  • Fixed: Emails regarding "Course Pre-moderation" were not sent.

  • Fixed: After publishing the course with the price, instructors could not make it free.

  • Fixed: The stream lesson did not save after changing the date and time.


June 5, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.6.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.2.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.2.

  • Update: Added video poster for External link source type of video lessons.

  • Fixed: Course builder was loaded blank on the translated version of the website with WPML.

  • Fixed: While switching between the lessons changes in the content did not apply at once.

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


May 31, 2023

  • New: MS Slider widget added for Elementor to create custom Slides.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.2.

  • Update: AccessPress Social Share was removed from the list of recommended plugins since it is not available in the WordPress repository.

  • Update: Added an "Add Link" button to all TinyMCE editors in the Course Builder so that links can be inserted.

  • Fixed: Strip Slashes of MathJax-LaTeX disappeared on lesson content and the formula was not generated in Course Builder.

  • Fixed: Avatars of Co-Instructors did not display while creating a course with Course Builder.

  • Fixed: Course Builder stopped loading when the latest comments were deleted from the Q&A session while editing the lesson.

  • Fixed: The name of the Course in the Prerequisites does not fit into the tab in Course Builder.

  • Fixed: Multi-choice question type didn't display the correct answer if there was a comma in the answer.

  • Fixed: The image Match question type was not working when included in Question Bank.

  • Fixed: The quiz did not load for students when all questions were deleted and replaced with Question Bank

  • Fixed: Special characters in Course titles such as ( - ) were displayed as code (–).

  • Fixed: Video preview did not generate and displayed as a broken file at first seconds after uploading.


May 18, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.2.

  • Update: AccessPress Social Share was removed from the list of recommended plugins since it is not available in the WordPress repository.


May 16, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.1.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.1.

  • Update: Horizontal Scroll added for Courses widget sorting options in mobile view.

  • Update: The recommended size of the certificate background increased to 1600х1050.

  • Fixed: Some course grid items did not appear in the slider view while sorting them.

  • Fixed: New questions did not add to the quiz by clicking plus icon.

  • Fixed: The questions library did not return results while editing the quiz in the Course Builder.

  • Fixed: In Item Match questions, the second answer did not count as correct.

  • Fixed: Course Builder did not load and displayed a blank page when WordPress was located in Subdirectory


May 8, 2023

  • New: Course Builder with new design and a range of enhancements released.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.0.0

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.0.0

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.0.

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to 6.11.0.

  • Update: The slider Revolution plugin updated to 6.6.12.

  • Update: Add a search box to the page with the add-ons list.

  • Update: The slider lesson type is converted to the text lesson type. Previously created lessons with Slider type will be displayed as text lessons.

  • Fixed: Testimonials widget avatars were duplicated.

  • Fixed: Group leaders could not add more than 2 users to the Enterprise groups.


April 26, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.37.

  • Update: Adaptive and Visual improvements for Elementor Offline Courses demo:

    • Update: Added missing images in different blocks on the Home page.

    • Update: Extra lines under titles were removed from the title box on the inner pages.

    • Fixed: Courses page did not display demo courses.

    • Fixed: Indents that did not match with the WPBakery demo in all sections.

    • Fixed: Fonts are incorrectly set to the Subscribe block.

  • Update: Adaptive and Visual improvements for Elementor Course Hub demo:

    • Update: Courses Grid widget is replaced with the Courses widget which is more customizable.

    • Fixed: Indents that did not match with the WPBakery demo.

    • Fixed: The paddings of the About Us, and Contact Us pages were revised.

  • Update: Enhancements for Elementor Distance Learning demo that focus on adaptability and visual aspects:

    • Update: Added Download in App Store and Play Market buttons to the Learning Anytime block.

    • Update: Added missing images in the Certificates block, and placeholder images are replaced on the Home page.

  • Fixed: The font styles and weight from theme options did not apply to the Contact Us pages.

  • Fixed: Misalignment of Title separators on desktop and mobile views.

  • Fixed: The registration process did not complete when the file upload field was added to the registration form.

  • Fixed: The course archive page did not display a notification that there were no courses matching the filter.

  • Fixed: Lessons with preview were not available for not logged-in users.


April 7, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.36.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.5.8.

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes


March 23, 2023

  • Update: Elementor Courses Grid widget is replaced with the Courses widget in Classic LMS, Light LMS, Dark LMS, Classic LMS 2 Cooking Courses, and Academy demos.

  • Update: Elementor Popular Course widget is replaced with the Courses widget in the Academy demo.

  • Update: Elementor Top Rated Courses is replaced with the Courses widget.

  • Fixed: Mispositioning of content on the Contact Us page.

  • Fixed: Minor adaptive issues Contact us page in Academy demo.


March 20, 2023

  • Update: Adaptive and Visual improvements for Elementor Cooking Courses demo:

    • Update: Courses Grid widget is replaced with the Courses widget which is more customizable.

    • Fixed: Indents that did not match with the WPBakery demo in all sections of the Home, About us, and Contact us pages.

    • Fixed: Minor adaptive issues of the Home page are fixed for mobile and tablets.

  • Update: Adaptive and Visual improvements for Classic LMS 2 demo:

    • Update: Courses Grid widget is replaced with the Courses widget which is more customizable.

    • Fixed: Indents that did not match with the WPBakery demo in the Featured Teacher, Subscribe, Professional Staff, and Latest News sections of the Home page.

    • Fixed: The paddings of the About us, and Contact us pages were revised.

  • Update: The grid of icons and content is aligned for Mobile and tablets.


March 16, 2023

  • Update: Enhanced display of webpages on tablets and mobile devices in Dark LMS demo.

  • Update: Added icon box widget to the Main slider in Dark LMS Elementor demo.

  • Update: Titles of the widget have been edited.

  • Update: The appearance of the Footer area in Dark LMS has been updated.

  • Fixed: Misalignment of Pie Charts and Progress Bars on Shortcodes Page.

  • Fixed: Minor visual differences in the Dark LMS Elementor demo compared to WPBakery one.


March 10, 2023

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.5.4.

  • Update: Updated styles of the Classic LMS demo for Elementor.

  • Update: Updated styles of the Light LMS demo for Elementor.


March 2, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.32.

  • Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.5.3.

  • Update: Updated styles of the Classic LMS demo for Elementor.


February 22, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.31.

  • Fixed: The WPBakery Icon Box widget was not editable with the PHP version 8.


February 16, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.28.

  • Fixed: The quiz results were wrong when the number of questions was even.

  • Fixed: The custom order of the Questions in Quizzes did not save on the Backend.

  • Fixed: Images did not upload to the questions when the PHP version was above 7.4.

  • Fixed: Lessons continuously refreshed on the translated language with WPML.

  • Fixed: The number of free featured courses did not apply when the course was edited on the backend.

  • Fixed: The page did not publish with an Online testing shortcode.


February 7, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.28.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.8.

  • Update: WooCommerce templates updated.

  • Fixed: When the Course section title contained a comma, it separated after the comma.

  • Fixed: The Preview button on the course card in the List View was not clickable.

  • Fixed: User Account Drop Down menu displayed behind Stream.

  • Fixed: Visual issues in the lessons with H5P.

  • Fixed: Demo Quizzes displayed incorrect results.

  • Fixed: Semicolon ";" displayed after username and password in Email.

  • Fixed: Trial Lessons are not loaded for Guest users.

  • Fixed: Drip Content is not linked with Assignments.


January 16, 2023

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.26.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.7.


January 11, 2023

  • New: Pagination for Assignments & My Assignments Pages.

  • New: Course Search Box with more customization options.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.6.

  • Fixed: Spelling errors in Payouts.

  • Fixed: Compatibility issues of STM Configuration plugin for 8.0, 8.0.22.

  • Fixed: Deprecated functions of Elementor are replaced with actual ones.


December 29, 2022

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.23.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.5.

  • New: Email will be sent to Students when Quiz Successfully completed.

  • New: Email Event for Administrator and user when the Course is enrolled through a Membership plan.

  • Update: The content of the default Email Events is replaced.

  • Fixed: External link of the video reset in Video lesson type when LMS plugin is updated from 2.9.11.

  • Fixed: Proper translation of the Preview button in the Russian language.


December 20, 2022

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.21.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.4.

  • Fixed: The mobile header did not load when the template for the Elementor Header & Footer builder is imported.

  • Fixed: Unnecessary paddings were removed in the header of the Private Instructor demo.

  • Fixed: Instructors couldn't set decimal prices for Courses Bundle.

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


December 14, 2022

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.20.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.3.

  • Update: Single Course page styles updated for Offline courses demo.

  • Fixed: Correct answers were considered wrong in Multi Choice Questions when the last option was false.

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


December 9, 2022

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.19.

  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.2.

  • Update: WooCommerce templates updated.

  • Fixed: Enrollment through a membership did not work when several categories are selected in the plan.

  • Fixed: When courses were added to the user, the site administrator did not receive an Email.

  • Fixed: The user did not receive an email, after being added to the group.


November 22, 2022


November 14, 2022

  • Update: STM Configurations Plugin is updated to to v4.4.5.

  • Fixed: Website displayed blank page when mime_content_type is not enabled in server side.


November 11, 2022


October 31, 2022


October 26, 2022


October 26, 2022


October 17, 2022


October 7, 2022


October 6, 2022


September 28, 2022

  • Update: Responsive improvements for Offline demo.

  • Update: Responsive improvements for LMS Courses.

  • Update: String translations in plugins and Nuxy are updated.

  • Update: Guest users will be redirected to the Login/Register page if tries to Wishlist course.

  • Update: Font style of floating menu items changed to Camel Case.

  • Update: String translations in plugins and Nuxy are updated.

  • Fixed: The menu of installed plugins in the WordPress admin top bar caused white space on the front end on Demos with Slider Revolution.

  • Fixed: Progress of Prerequisite course not displayed.

  • Fixed: "STM LMS Popular courses" widget displayed the latest courses instead of popular ones.

  • Fixed: When the search returns no results, Featured courses are always displayed on the Courses archive page.

  • Fixed: Course rating Stars are not displayed when LMS Colors are changed in different Themes.

  • Fixed: Styles of Lesson start countdown disappeared when LMS Colors are changed.

  • Fixed: Course thumbnails were cropped in the gradebook.

  • Fixed: Free course was not displayed in the user account after registration when email confirmation was enabled.

  • Fixed: Administrator received become instructor requested although Instructor Pre-moderation was disabled.

  • Fixed: True/False questions have not worked in different languages except English.

  • Fixed: Popup from the For Enterprise button did not work.

  • Fixed: Membership Plan level position issue.

  • Fixed: Pagination is not displayed in the Testimonials widget items in Elementor Preview.

  • Fixed: LMS form editor elements cannot be translated.

  • Fixed: Placeholder text 'Search' in file manager cannot be translated.

  • Fixed: Instructor received email notification "Instructor added Course" instead of Administrator.

  • Fixed: PHP warnings on the Courses bundle page when Debugging was enabled.

  • Fixed: The course could be bought using coins, although the coin price is not set.

  • Fixed: When the discount period expires, the sale price is always displayed, when WooCommerce checkout is used.

  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


September 14, 2022


September 5, 2022

  • New: Membership Plans widget added to the WPBakery.

  • New: Added Call to Action 2 widget for Membership Plans to Elementor.

  • Update: Membership Plans are redesigned and got a new customizable appearance for Elementor and WPBakery page builders.

  • Update: Responsive view of Membership Plans on desktop and mobile devices.

  • Update: Additional settings added to the Membership Plans Elementor widget.

  • Fix: Certificate builder elements are moved scarcely in Firefox.


August 17, 2022

  • Update: The user account drop-down menu on the site header now includes links to the user account.

  • Update: Addons page visually improved for the site administrator.

  • New: Courses filter sidebar added to the Courses categories archive page.

  • New: Added new font for Certificate builder "Amiri" (Arabic) to display all symbols in Arabic.

  • Fix: The menu of installed plugins in the WordPress admin top bar caused white space on the front end.

  • Fix: Some strings were not visible for translation.

  • Fix: The Instructor's name was replaced with the student's name in Payouts and statistics when WooCommerce checkout is used.

  • Fix: "I have an account" link was removed from the Restore Password page.

  • Fix: The Restore Password field accepts a weak password while the Sign-Up form requires an 8-digit password.

  • Fix: When two "Image match quiz" is used in a single lesson, It was possible to choose answers from both quizzes.

  • Fix: Searchbox shortcode not worked on Front end.

  • Fix: Images are not uploaded to quiz questions when Media File Manager is enabled.

  • Fix: Quiz answers which contain a single quote (') are not marked as wrong.

  • Fix: Using a single quote (') in the Certificate Builder break the certificate layout.

  • Fix: Failed to enter a price with a decimal separator when creating a course from the front.

  • Fix: Some strings were not visible for translation.

  • Fix: Minor visual bugs.


August 4, 2022

  • New: Mobile header settings added to the theme options.

  • New: Added Category filter for admin dashboard were listed all courses.

  • New: The user will remain on the same page after logging in through the Floating menu.

  • Fix: Lesson navigation disappeared when the WPML plugin is active.

  • Fix: Fatal errors when the WPML plugin is active.

  • Fix: Сhanges for LMS Pages not worked on Front-end and caused 404 error on User account navigation.

  • Fix: The order of the questions changed after saving the quiz.

  • Fix: Checkbox fields created using the LMS Forms editor, reset in a user profile.

  • Fix: The custom fields created through the LMS form editor cannot be used in the LMS email manager.

  • Fix: When Guest checkout is enabled the course did not remove from the cart.

  • Fix: The word "Wishlisted" was replaced with "Remove from Wishlist".

  • Fix: Minor visual bugs.


June 27, 2022

  • Fix: Compatibility of the widgets with the new version of Elementor

  • Fix: Course Lessons Widget on WPBakery has been renamed to Offline Course Lessons Widget

  • Fix: Website Footer displaying issues

  • Fix: Menu displaying issues in Mobile version

  • Fix: Compatibility of the widgets with the new version of Elementor

  • Fix: Some strings were not visible for translation

  • Fix: Demo Import optimization

  • Fix: Drip Content Lesson type appearance

  • Fix: Even when membership expired, the course is still listed under "Enrolled Courses"

  • Fix: Certificate Builder issue with RTL

  • Fix: Password field is duplicated when creating a Zoom Conference lesson


June 8, 2022

  • New: Reordering of the Profile Menu Items

  • Fix: Uploaded SCORM course couldn't be deleted

  • Fix: Curriculum lesson preview arrow icon issue in classic course style

  • Fix: Courses archive page list view style issues with default WordPress themes

  • Fix: Certificate appears even for inactivated Certificate Builder add-ons

  • Fix: Course Bundles style issue with default WordPress themes

  • Fix: Modern Course style course image height issue with default WordPress themes

  • Fix: Hover effect with Enterprise Price when using the WordPress default themes

  • Fix: The sticky header caused inappropriate work of the login page on mobile devices

  • Fix: Inappropriate content box appearance in the list view of the courses archive page when applying RTL

  • Fix: RTL Demo Header issues in the header styles (Offline Courses Header, Distance Learning Header, and White-LMS Header)

  • Fix: In the Footer, Widgets reordering didn’t work when applying RTL

  • Fix: Demo Header didn’t change for Offline Courses when applying RTL

  • Fix: The Search Widget didn't work with Elementor Header & Footer Builder

  • Fix: New single post added with Elementor Builder after publishing removed other default blocks (example: comment section, top bar, etc.)


May 4, 2022

Welcoming the new way of the custom colors appliance to the MasterStudy LMS elements. Set the colors you like to match the LMS color scheme to your brand identity or make it look completely different from the rest of the website to make it easier for students to concentrate on the learning process even more. Customize the side Profile Menu for the users to improve your website visitor's experience and site interaction. Make your MasterStudy LMS reflect the site's usability and mood to tailor it to your audience.

  • Update: Theme Colors affection to the MasterStudy LMS elements.

  • Update: Color Scheme appliance.

  • New: Preloader for the Instructor's Account.

  • New: The "Add Your First Course" message is added to the Instructor's Account without any courses.

April 19, 2022


April 14, 2022


4 Apr, 2022


24 Mar, 2022


17 Mar, 2022


7 Mar, 2022

  • Fix: Bug with height of Sticky Panel on Single Course Page

  • Fix: Visual bug with visited options (remained as highlighted) in MS Course settings

  • Fix: When quiz is Passed the button below is not displayed in MasterStudy and any default themes

  • Fix: Minor bug with style code displaying in Statistics section on dashboard

  • Fix: Course category tabs are not visible on Course page with activated Udemy style

  • Fix: In the quiz section, when a question or answer is too long, it overlaps

  • Fix: Prerequisites addon does not work, when course style is Default

  • Fix: Some Pro version areas and fields are active in Course Settings (backend) of MasterStudy LMS Free version


15 Feb, 2022

We apologize for this awkward situation with the latest MasterStudy Theme update. Hence we have recently released the hot-fix with the MasterStudy LMS plugin.

So for now, it is COMPLETELY SAFE to update the MasterStudy Theme to the 4.4.4 version. As a tip, we recommend you follow the basic instructions before updating. Those who have not updated within the first two hours after the update release, feel free to do it now without any problem.

On the contrary, if you have already updated the MasterStudy Theme and have gotten a fatal error on your website, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the archive on your Envato profile page.

  2. Unzip the file which will give a Masterstudy folder. Make sure your unzipping software/tool does not create an extra directory with the same name nested into each other.

  3. Retrieve your FTP login information from your hosting admin panel. Login to your FTP account via FTP software (as an example, FileZilla any other one) or File Manager tool in Cpanel to access your website folders.

  4. Once you access the FTP account, navigate to the WordPress theme directory YOUR_HOSTING_ROOT/YOUR_SUBDIRECTORY/wp-content/themes and remove the masterstudy folder.

  5. Upload the previously unzipped masterstudy folder into YOUR_HOSTING_ROOT/YOUR_SUBDIRECTORY/wp-content/themes directory.

If you have troubles or obstacles with the provided solution our support gives a high priority to your cases. And if your support policy is expired please no worries. We have prepared an express form to collect your data and fix the problem manually. In this case, please fill up all the required fields in this form.

Once again, our deepest apologies for the inconvenience. We assure to take steps to ensure that this kind of situation does not repeat anymore.

Please meet the new StylemixThemes Activation System. No need to generate a Token anymore - just use your Envato Purchase Code. Follow this link for more information and a step-by-step guide on how the activation process works.

Please read the detailed instruction before updating the theme.

  • NEW: Migrated to new StylemixThemes Activation System and downloads service

  • Update: Theme dashboard improvement and restyling

  • Update: MasterStudy Elementor widgets plugin is updated to 1.1.7

  • Update: MasterStudy STM configurations plugin is updated to 4.3.6

  • Fix: Pagination is not displayed on Instructor Carousel element in RTL Demo

  • Fix: Incorrect course elements layout on Classic mode in RTL Demo

  • Fix: Theme style issues

  • Fix: Enrolled courses remain in the user's profile after the expiration of the plan

  • Fix: Visual bugs with Twenty Twenty-Two standard WordPress theme

  • Fix: Addon for Paid Membership Pro - Approvals does not work with courses in subscription plans

  • Fix: Lesson frontend description styles are reset after the lesson is saved

  • Fix: Issue with redirecting the user to the lesson after clicking Preview on course curriculum

  • Fix: Bug with countdown for lesson start time

  • Fix: Visual bug with STM LMS Courses Categories on Elementor Page Builder

  • Fix: Visual style bug on Recent Courses widget's Categories tabs while hovering on them

  • Fix: Bug with course navigation button

  • Fix: System allows to add participants more than the specified limit after creating a group through Buy for group button (Group Courses addon)

  • Fix: Single Course cover image is not displaying in Modern Course Style

  • Fix: Bug with custom fields in Forms Editor addon

  • Fix: Text under the countdown is not showing on Zoom Meeting Lesson

  • Fix: Featured Course covers are not displaying after selecting Modern style for the Courses page

  • Fix: For students notification is not showing after checking the student's assignments by instructors

  • Fix: Removed Add New button in Student Assignments section on the dashboard

  • Fix: Default fields dislocation in Profile From of LMS Forms Editor addon

  • Fix: The certificate reflects the username of the student, not his personal name and last name. This problem was detected when adding custom First Name and Last Name fields to the registration form using the LMS Forms Editor addon.

  • Fix: Bug with custom checkboxes in LMS Forms Editor addon


13 Jan, 2022

  • New: Media File Manager Add-on

  • New: Added new icon MasterStudy set on Icon Box element in Elementor Page builder

  • New: Added new styles 7 and 8 for STM Testimonials widget in Elementor Page builder

  • New: Added new style 2 for Video widget in Elementor Page builder

  • New: From now on, STM prefixes were removed from the LMS widgets Elementor Page builder. Added the icons and LMS label instead

  • Update: MasterStudy Elementor widgets plugin updated to 1.1.6

  • Update: MasterStudy STM configurations plugin updated to 4.3.5

  • Fix: Removed the styles, which are conflicting with Elementor's widgets (Social Icons, Accordion)

  • Fix: Bug with LMS modules, when placing them onto the page using Elementor Page builder

  • Fix: Some bugs while editing the pages using Elementor page builders


21 Dec, 2021


25 Nov, 2021

  • UPD: STM Configurations plugin updated to 4.3.4

  • UPD: Udemy style renamed to Modern Style

  • UPD: Modern Style is active by default

  • UPD: Theme options version updated

  • UPD: Distance learning demo.xml updated

  • UPD: Float menu icon

  • FIXED: SCORM courses uploading issue

  • FIXED: Translation issues of several non-editable strings

  • FIXED: Free courses filtering issue

  • FIXED: Problem with saving questions/quizzes using eRoom plugin

  • FIXED: Certificates date translation issue

  • FIXED: Student reviewing issue

  • FIXED: Wizard navigation menu issue

  • FIXED: Instructors archive page responsive issue

  • FIXED: Separator widget align issue

  • FIXED: "Fill the gap" answer align issue

  • FIXED: Minor web layout issues


22 Oct, 2021


18 Oct, 2021


21 Sep, 2021


14 Sep, 2021

  • UPD: STM Configurations plugin updated to 4.3.3

  • UPD: Demo Import XML files (All demos)


2 Sep, 2021


12 Aug, 2021


2 Aug, 2021

  • UPD: Zoom Meetings/Webinars Grid widget design updated

  • FIXED: H5P plugin Reuse and Embed features are not displaying on the plugin pages

  • FIXED: Browser title does not change on switching to the Quiz page

  • FIXED: Featured Teacher widget loading issue

  • FIXED: Match Items quiz showing wrong results

  • FIXED: Translation issues with several non-editable strings

  • FIXED: Students did not get a reply email when assignment status changed

  • FIXED: Video Duration icon displaying when Video Duration field is blank in Udemy Affiliate layout

  • FIXED: The same course materials attaching several times in the Udemy Affiliate layout

  • FIXED: Membership Approval (Paid Membership Pro plugin) compatibility


28 Jul, 2021

  • UPD: Compatibility with WordPress v. 5.8

  • UPD: MasterStudy Elementor widgets plugin updated to 4.3.1

  • UPD: STM configurations plugin updated to 4.3.1

  • ADDED: Option to disable parallax style for footer

  • FIXED: Theme Options Custom CSS field not saving changes

  • FIXED: Header style fixes in Distance Learning Demo

  • FIXED: Products by Rating widget not showing the sale price

  • FIXED STM Teachers blocks not displaying in Elementor

  • FIXED Demo import errors due to WP 5.8

  • UPD: The certificate generation rules have been updated to reduce the waiting time for the certificate download

  • FIXED: String translation issues in Question type section and some placeholders

  • FIXED: The appearance of external symbols in Item Match quizzes.

  • FIXED: User account page items position fixed for RTL

  • FIXED: Mobile devices responsiveness for Send Message button popup

  • FIXED: Partial displaying lesson titles in Classic Lesson style

  • FIXED: Login/Register modal form switching bug by enrolling in the course without logging in.

  • FIXED: Minor style fixes

  • UPD: Affiliate Link Block for a points system in Instructor/Student Profile

  • FIXED: Co-instructors list was not fully displayed by adding the co-instructor from the frontend

  • FIXED: Course Bundles fatal error

  • FIXED: Translation issues with several non-editable strings


15 Jun, 2021


10 Jun, 2021


1 Jun, 2021


12 May, 2021


12 May, 2021

Full WooCommerce Integration

Sell courses online with a free customizable WooCommerce plugin. With the full WooCommerce integration you will be able to set up products, shopping cart, sell these products with one of the online payment gateways.

WooCommerce integration allows combining courses with other types of products, using WooCommerce payment gateway, selling subscriptions, and accepting recurring payments.

Update of the MasterStudy LMS free and MasterStudy LMS PRO is required. After updating the theme to version 4.2.8, plugins can be updated under the Appearance > Install Plugins section.


4 May, 2021

  • FIXED: Primary Sidebar can't be applied to blog archive page (Elementor)

  • FIXED: Testimonials carousel navigation arrows doesn't work in Offline Courses Layout

  • FIXED: Courses categories masonry view is incorrect due to small default container width in Light LMS Layout

  • FIXED: Minor frontend bugs

  • ADDED: Translations of Lesson badges for Offline courses

  • FIXED: The Popular courses widget shows the price Free, regardless of price or status are indicated

  • FIXED: Video poster goes beyond video frame when opening video modal

  • FIXED: Students appeared in the Featured Teacher select box

  • FIXED: Replacing chosen font by default plugin font

  • FIXED: Placeholders of checkbox and dropdown elements aren't displaying after adding in LMS Forms Editor

  • FIXED: Responsive view of Send message modal in Classic style of Public Profile

  • ADDED: Translation for the Error messages

  • ADDED: Placeholders for Select box in Profile Forms Editor

  • FIXED: Chinese, Arabic and some other fonts aren't displaying in the Certificate

  • FIXED: Certificate Title entities in Certificate builder

  • FIXED: Double adding a student to the course

  • FIXED: Buy button functionality when clicking in modal

  • FIXED: Minor bugs

  • UPD: STM Configurations updated to 4.3.0

  • UPD: MasterStudy Elementor Widgets updated to 4.3.0


31 Mar, 2021

  • FIXED: Missing CSS files


30 Mar, 2021

  • UPD: WordPress 5.7 compatibility with jquery migrate

  • UPD: Fancybox updated in core

  • UPD: Cancel Subscription in Classic profile style moved to the sidebar

  • ADDED: Image preview to Assignments

  • ADDED: Enterprise form in user account

  • FIXED: Front-end bugs in Eroom meeting page

  • FIXED: RTL header styles

  • FIXED: Minor frontend bugs

  • FIXED: Gallery masonry grid error fixed

  • FIXED: Quantity in variable product fixed

  • FIXED: Broken order of the categories and subcategories in Frontend Course Builder

  • FIXED: Broken categories dropdown in Frontend Course Builder (French letters)

  • FIXED: Course description bug in Frontend Course Builder

  • FIXED: Point System shows zero value

  • FIXED: Points are not credited after enabling the Point statistics add-on

  • FIXED: Zero values in point statistics settings

  • FIXED: Minor frontend bugs


23 Feb, 2021

  • UPD: Child theme updated

  • FIXED: Gallery grid $per_page bug

  • FIXED: Editing several quizzes on Front-End issues

  • FIXED: Restore password doesn't work with activated Yoast SEO plugin


22 Feb, 2021

  • NEW: Coding School demo

  • FIXED: MasterStudy Elementor Widgets installation skipped during demo import

  • ADDED: H5P compatibility added to quizzes

  • FIXED: Correct answers appeared when the 'show correct answer' option is disabled

  • FIXED: LMS Wizard typo

  • FIXED: Empty addons and Payout tabs content

  • FIXED: Duplicate email sending when 'course added to user'

  • ADDED: Action before sending an announcement


04 Feb, 2021

  • IMPROVEMENT: Event time included in Event Info module

  • IMPROVEMENT: Event price included in Event Info module

  • IMPROVEMENT: 'Free' price label added for free products

  • IMPROVEMENT: Redirect to MasterStudy LMS after demo import added

  • IMPROVEMENT: Plugin Setup Wizard added

  • IMPROVEMENT: ‘Become instructor’ option added in the user profile

  • IMPROVEMENT: Added unique classes to user profile navigation menu

  • IMPROVEMENT: Added validation to Lost Password box

  • IMPROVEMENT: Navigation menu badges added

  • FIXED: Category mega-menu

  • FIXED: WooCommerce product catalog settings fixed

  • FIXED: Featured teacher module in Classic LMS 2 layout

  • FIXED: Image appearance in testimonials section Style 1

  • FIXED: Certificate Template name editing bug

  • FIXED: Assignment pagination

  • FIXED: Draft courses excluded from Gradebook

  • FIXED: Manage course notice about disabled tabs

  • FIXED: Drip content dependencies

  • FIXED: Empty category view (0 subcategories) in the search filter

  • FIXED: STM LMS Courses grid module title

  • FIXED: Registration error text fixed

  • FIXED: Quiz answer "0" treating as incorrect answer bug

  • FIXED: Manage course loading view on frontend

  • FIXED: 'Lost password' option on mobile

  • FIXED: Membership plan with No available courses in a subscription will not appear as a purchase option for the course

  • FIXED: Paginated quiz first/last buttons inactive when on first/last question respectively

  • FIXED: Question bank adding several banks fixed

  • FIXED: Login button text changed

  • FIXED: ‘Become instructor’ button is hidden for logged-in instructors

  • FIXED: Courses filter category bug

  • FIXED: Translations with VUE variable {field} fixed

  • FIXED: LMS pages conflict with Elementor Pro

  • FIXED: Emails are not being sent when the Email Template addon disabled

  • UPD: New LMS Settings section is built on CFTO framework

  • UPD: Translations updated


12 Jan, 2021

  • IMPROVEMENT: Deny Instructors from accessing the admin panel

  • IMPROVEMENT: Student email column in the 'Manage Students' section

  • IMPROVEMENT: Featured courses to the archive page

  • IMPROVEMENT: The "unlim" value added to the membership plans

  • IMPROVEMENT: Password validation in the edit profile page

  • IMPROVEMENT: Custom image upload added under course settings for the successful course completion message

  • IMPROVEMENT: Randomize questions option added to the Frontend Course Builder

  • IMPROVEMENT: Time zones added to the Zoom Conference lessons

  • FIXED: Image appearance in the 'Popular courses' element, style 2

  • FIXED: Month arrows issues in the date picker

  • FIXED: BuddyPress redirects fixed

  • FIXED: Statistic issue

  • FIXED: LMS messaging system issues fixed

  • FIXED: Public account not showing

  • FIXED: Public account login

  • FIXED: Assignments category dropdown

  • FIXED: Curriculum error in the dashboard

  • FIXED: Minor frontend issues

  • FIXED: Adding video lesson error on frontend course builder

  • FIXED: SCORM course doesn't start

  • FIXED: Frontend bugs in the public profile

  • FIXED: Assignments statistics errors in the Gradebook

  • FIXED: Course bundle description field

  • FIXED: Redirect after logout

  • FIXED: Cooking demo visual bugs

  • FIXED: Disable PMPRO redirect while demo import


29 Dec, 2020

  • NEW: Cooking Courses demo

  • IMPROVEMENT: Routes replaced by creating LMS pages

  • FIXED: WPML Language switcher issues

  • IMPROVEMENT: Select an option to choose course categories (Elementor STM LMS Courses Grid)

  • IMPROVEMENT: Wishlist icon changed for classic course style

  • IMPROVEMENT: Notification for a Database update

  • IMPROVEMENT: Quiz Randomize option for frontend course builder

  • FIXED: Remove points when retaking the quiz

  • FIXED: Quiz WebView issues fixed (for Masterstudy App)

  • FIXED: Assignment count bug fixed

  • FIXED: Assignment long name issue

  • FIXED: BuddyPress members, activity page issues fixed

  • FIXED: Course Bundle description field issue

  • FIXED: Offline course curriculum dropdown preview button issue fixed.


10 Dec, 2020

  • UPD: Compatibility with WordPress 5.6

  • NEW FEATURE: Quiz paginated style added

  • FIXED: Sidebar section renamed in Theme Options

  • FIXED: Sidebar module error

  • FIXED: Editing in Elementor doesn't work for theme custom post types

  • FIXED: Enterprise academy layout fixed (script enqueue)

  • FIXED: Removed negative margin for overflowed_content class in Elementor

  • FIXED: Search block appearance in header 2

  • FIXED: Wishlist icon changed

  • FIXED: Stream and drip content countdown bug (+1 day)

  • FIXED: SCORM start course redirect error

  • FIXED: Instructor account's styles broken when Multi-instructor addon disabled

  • FIXED: Author fee text changed (Statistics and Payouts)

  • FIXED: Removed user manager templates from frontend

  • FIXED: Course available even after PMPro subscription canceled or expired

  • FIXED: Default list view bug

  • FIXED: Visual bug on course bottom banner with membership only

  • FIXED: JS variable in Spanish translation

  • FIXED: HTML code in Spanish translation

  • FIXED: True/false question doesn't work if translation added

  • FIXED: Lesson video automatic play error

  • FIXED: Wishlist page layout

  • FIXED: Stripe script removed when payment disabled

  • FIXED: Selecting question type in manage course visual bug

  • IMPROVEMENT: Quiz required fields removed. Alert on submission added

  • IMPROVEMENT: Limit setting for header categories added

  • IMPROVEMENT: New share buttons added

  • IMPROVEMENT: Student assignment can now be managed by admin from the WordPress dashboard

  • IMPROVEMENT: Course title added in a lesson comment email (Email manager)

  • IMPROVEMENT: Login, the course title, and assignment title added in user assignment submission email (Email manager)

  • IMPROVEMENT: Setting for assignment upload extension added

  • IMPROVEMENT: Assignment send button disabled if the assignment is empty

  • IMPROVEMENT: Settings for custom course levels added

  • IMPROVEMENT: Course filter added to the instructor's account for assignment section

  • IMPROVEMENT: Archive course card view for mobile devices updated

  • IMPROVEMENT: Review WYSIWYG removed image/video upload

  • IMPROVEMENT: WordPress validation notice added to user login on the registration process


19 Nov, 2020

  • FIXED: Creating lesson with Elementor Page Builder

  • FIXED: Symbols position fixed for RTL

  • FIXED: Fixed error in share module

  • FIXED: Removed TGM notice in dashboard for instructors

  • FIXED: 'Add student to course' feature on frontend

  • FIXED: Spain translation file errors for variables {field}

  • FIXED: Creating lesson with Elementor Page Builder

  • FIXED: Per row setting on STM LMS Courses Carousel Elementor widget

  • FIXED: Folders permissions

  • FIXED: Point system conflict with the one-time purchase

  • IMPROVEMENT: Co-instructor courses added to the Instructors' public profile

  • IMPROVEMENT: Field for custom point price added

  • IMPROVEMENT: Co-instructor courses added to the Instructor's public profile

  • UPD: WPBakery updated to 6.4.2


12 Nov, 2020

  • Update: Removed pagination on masonry gallery module

  • Improvement: Permission to add file formats for assignments: mp4, m4v, mov, wmv, avi, mpg

  • Improvement: Added per page setting for Elementor Courses carousel

  • Improvement: Questions category added to LMS Menu

  • Improvement: do_action added to custom routes and lesson (wp_footer, template_redirect)

  • Bug Fix: Frontend bug on the course page (layouts: One Instructor, List view)

  • Bug Fix: Minor frontend bugs

  • Bug Fix: Redirect after pmpro removed

  • Bug Fix: Breadcrumb holder removed with transparent header ON

  • Bug Fix: Date in Zoom lesson

  • Bug Fix: Disabled content tab on the frontend course builder for Zoom lessons

  • Bug Fix: Changed lesson duration field type

  • Bug Fix: Paid membership checkout frontend bug in mobile version

  • Bug Fix: Course per page settings on the archive page

  • Bug Fix: Email settings (emails were not sent to the admin when adding a user to the course)

  • Bug Fix: Error display when entering the wrong password

  • Bug Fix: Redirect from invalid course item

  • Update: Spain language translation file

  • Update: Author fee text changed to admin commission

  • Update: Changed Website earning to Instructors Earning


3 Nov, 2020

  • New: Compatibility with Elementor Header Footer Builder (theme header and footer now on hooks)

  • Improvement: New fields in Certificate builder (course start date, course end date, current date, progress, co-instructor, course details)

  • Improvement: Certificate linking with a specific course.

  • Improvement: Items centering in Certificates

  • Improvement: Pagination on the page Manage Students

  • Improvement: Course materials to Udemy style

  • Improvement: Password field for Zoom lessons

  • Bug Fix: Curriculum in offline courses

  • Bug Fix: Visual bugs

  • Bug Fix: Download certificate bug

  • Bug Fix: Header menu in Header Style 3, Style 2

  • Bug Fix: Statistics display in Statistics and Payouts addon — total shows the amount only from completed orders.

  • Bug Fix: Limiting the number of users when creating and editing the group

  • Bug Fix: Visual bugs

  • Bug Fix: Answers in the Question bank

  • Bug Fix: Tabs display settings on the course page

  • Bug Fix: Lines translations

  • Bug Fix: Course purchase in subscription


09 Oct, 2020

  • ADDED: Course Expiration feature - students will no longer have access to expired courses

  • ADDED: Password validation to the registration form

  • ADDED: Possibility to set the number of instructors in STM LMS Instructors Carousel

  • ADDED: pmpro_btn-submit-checkout class added to checkout button (Paid Membership Pro)

  • FIXED: Duplicate courses after using the Load More button on the Courses page

  • FIXED: Get Course button for logged in users when Guest Checkout is active

  • FIXED: Ineligible words removed from masterstudy-lms-learning-management-system-ru_RU.po translation

  • FIXED: Quantity limit removed from the Instructors archive page

  • FIXED: Courses categories style glitch when loading the frontpage

  • FIXED: Demo courses importer

  • FIXED: Add Review button error

  • FIXED: Negative price when publishing a course

  • FIXED: Full-Screen option on video lessons

  • FIXED: STM LMS Courses Categories manual category selection (Elementor)

  • FIXED: Displaying sub-categories in the Left Fixed Sidebar

  • FIXED: Call to Action element errors

  • FIXED: Post List element errors

  • FIXED: Icon Button error with icon size (WPBakery)

  • FIXED: Empty courses categories (Dark LMS demo)

  • FIXED: Сhrome autofill in courses search bar after logout

  • FIXED: Reverse columns in RTL (WPBakery)

  • UPDATED: WPBakery updated to 6.4.1


21 Sep, 2020

  • FIXED: Problem with cropping shop product images

  • FIXED: Countdown module fixed

  • FIXED: Fatal error fixed with particles module

  • Updated plugin MasterStudy LMS 2.4.1

    • fixed: Guest checkout with disabled subscription fixed

    • fixed: Faq string translation fixed

  • Updated plugin MasterStudy LMS PRO 3.4.1

    • Course sidebar button item id error fixed

    • Guest checkout button fixed


11 Sep, 2020

  • ADDED: Elementor plugin compatibility added

  • FIX: - YouTube play social icon changed to YouTube square icon

  • Updated MasterStudy LMS 2.4.0

    • added: Added option to remove particular course tab

    • added: Added email to student when admin adds him to course

    • added: Certificate builder

    • fixed: Courses grid categories number fixed

    • fixed: Certificate checker now works with Google Classrooms addon

    • fixed: SCORM error message fixed

    • fixed: Fill the gap same answers fixed

    • fixed: True/False question creation/saving fixed

    • fixed: Chat message with "'" symbol fixed

    • fixed: Question bank empty categories notice added

    • fixed: Double slash from plugin static files removed

    • fixed: Removed link to view Lesson/Quiz/Assignments comments

    • fixed: Added FullScreen support to Lesson YouTube video

    • fixed: Some RTL styles fixed

    • fixed: User profile classic style fixed with drafts functionality

    • fixed: Keyword question type js bug fixed

    • fixed: Added email for instructor after course approving

    • fixed: PO file updated with missing words

    • fixed: HTML parsing fixed in featured instructor

    • fixed: Quiz checking moved to POST method. Limit removed for question number in quiz

    • fixed: Bottom sticky panel script fixed

    • fixed: Assignment sending fixed for student

    • fixed: All instructors are now available in Co-instructor section

    • fixed: Courses grid load more + sort duplication bug fixed

    • fixed: Price and sale price can now be completely removed

    • fixed: Fixed "/" symbol deletion from curriculum section

    • fixed: Frontend quiz creation bug with question type fixed

    • fixed: Add Student console error removed

  • Updated MasterStudy LMS PRO 3.4.0

    • Added Certificate builder

    • Manage course duration field save fixed

    • Course bundle course featured image fixed

    • Frontend course editor several image adding URL fixed

    • Frontend course editor now has unique class in <body tag

    • Price position in sticky panel fixed


4 Sep, 2020

  • UPDATE: - Visual Composer updated - v 6.3.0

  • FIX: - Vue 2 Autocomplete build fixed


2 Sep, 2020

  • UPDATE: Revolution Slider updated 6.2.22


19 Aug, 2020

  • Added: Import Demo courses — import demo courses including questions, lessons, and quizzes.

  • Added: Related courses — display courses that relate to the field of the current course user is looking through.

  • Added: Course drafts added for instructors — save any changes to courses in drafts before publishing.

  • Added: Guest checkout for LMS/WooCommerce checkout — allow your customers to proceed to checkout without having to go through the full registration process.

  • Added: AccessPress plugin compatibility added

  • Added: Distance learning logout icon added

  • Fixed: Fixed translations and removed payout from submenu

  • Fixed: Auto-enroll for free course

  • Fixed: Dropdown in questions

  • Fixed: Added image for quiz question

  • Fixed: Auto-enroll for free course

  • Fixed: Notice banner field added for WPCFTO framework

  • Fixed: WordPress 5.5 API route notice

  • Fixed: Fill the gap type of question

  • Fixed: Minor visual bugs


21 Jul, 2020

  • NEW: WooCommerce shop: enable eCommerce store for selling various products on your website separately from courses.

  • UPDATED Plugins updated: MasterStudy LMS, MasterStudy LMS PRO: New MasterStudy LMS Backend Interface!

    • A big update in MasterStudy LMS Plugin! Meet an absolutely new LMS Backend. After days of hardwork we completely changed the interface of the LMS admin panel to make the system easier, user-friendly and intuitive. Our experts designed and improved the UI and UX of the LMS so you could enjoy the best experience ever. Changes were implemented to the course builder, course and quiz settings, and LMS settings which became more intuitive and simple. Navigate and manage settings with ease, effortlessly find everything you need spending seconds on each step. Truly impressive courses start with an amazing, powerful yet simple learning software!

  • UPDATED: RevSlider

  • FIX: minor visual bugs


3 Jul, 2020

  • NEW: Redesigned curriculum edition in admin and in frontend course builder

  • FEATURE: Added the ability to upload videos to video lessons

  • FEATURE: Added video player in the lesson with the ability to restart from the point you stopped at.

  • FIX: Course link in dashboard

  • FIX: Minor visual bugs


25 Jun, 2020

  • UDPATE: WPBakery LMS modules moved to MasterStudy LMS plugin

  • FIX: Blog sidebar issue

  • FIX: Header category dropdown frontend bug

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - 3.0.0

    • Feature: Added Shortcodes

    • Feature: Added Elementor widgets

    • Fixed: Live stream timer

    • Fixed: Pont history broken link

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin updated - 2.0.0

    • Feature: Manage students by admin. Manage students’ activities and take full control over the courses: add students, check their performance, review quizzes and much more.

    • Feature: Added Shortcodes

    • Feature: Added WPBakery modules

    • Feature: Added Elementor widgets

    • Fixed: Announcement not showing in wishlist page

    • Fixed: Assignment not sent

    • Fixed: Minor visual bugs


12 Jun, 2020

  • NEW: Russian language updated

  • NEW: Nextend Social login added to Recommended plugins

  • FIX: Distance learning demo visual bugs fixed

  • FIX: WooCommerce templates updated

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - 2.4.1

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO: Scorm zip file uploading fixed

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO: Email sending for instructor and student fixed

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO: Visual bugs fixed

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO: Lesson question time showing for user fixed

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO: Logout now redirects to login page

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO: Russian language updated

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin updated - 1.10.3

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin: Keyword question type empty answer bug fixed

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin: Add student feature default style bug fixed

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin: Now course curriculum has practical use - if user is logged in and bought course, curriculum leads to lesson directly

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin: Russian language updated

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin: MasterStudy App banner added

  • Masterstudy LMS plugin: Automatic registration for instructor feature added (optionally)


5 Jun, 2020

  • NEW: Lesson Style Classic added.

  • NEW: Email Templates Manager added to help you adjust the email messages on the website.

  • NEW: Assign Students to course added. Now Instructors can add students to their courses directly through instructors' profile page.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - 2.3.0


28 May, 2020

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.2.2.

  • STM Configurations plugin updated - v 4.0.5.

  • Distance Learning demo content updated.

  • Language files updated.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


26 May, 2020

  • FIX: Plugins Installation bug fixed.

  • FIX: Translation bugs fixed.


25 May, 2020

  • NEW: Course Attachments feature added. Easily attach course materials which can be the files of any type and format to add more value to learning content.

  • NEW: Course Finished Statistics feature added.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.2.1.

  • STM Configurations plugin updated - v 4.0.4.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.2.6.


6 May, 2020

  • WPBakery Page Builder updated - v 6.2.0.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.2.

  • NEW: Courses Filter added. You can enable courses filtering by different categories.

  • NEW: Instructor menu added.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


24 Apr, 2020

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.1.7.

  • NEW: SCORM Courses integration added. SCORM feature allows you to use different content authoring tools to create courses and sell them with your MasterStudy LMS.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


15 Apr, 2020

  • Compatible with WordPress 5.4.

  • FEATURE: Theme Options - Header Colors option added.

  • FEATURE: Drip Content - Start Time option added. Lock lessons before their start time.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.1.


27 Mar, 2020

  • New: ZOOM Conference feature added. Create and manage Zoom meetings and webinars directly from your dashboard thanks to the powerful integration.

  • FEATURE: Authorization - Email Confirmation feature added. Enable email verification for new registrations on your website.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.11.


20 Mar, 2020

  • New: Google Classrooms feature added. Сonnect your Google Classroom account with your website and import the classes to ease the process of structuring the classes and your workflow.

  • FIX: Course Bundles Editor bug fixed.

  • FIX: Trial Courses saving bug fixed.

  • FIX: Prerequisite Courses selectbox issues fixed.

  • FIX: Assignment Filter bug fixed.

  • FIX: Certificates - Gradebook and Create Announcement appearance bug fixed.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.10.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.2.2.


25 Feb, 2020

  • New: Classic LMS 2 demo.

  • FIX: Trial Course Buy button issue fixed.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.9.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.1.8.

  • STM Configurations plugin updated - v 4.0.3.


11 Feb, 2020

  • FIX: One Instructor Price displaying issue fixed.

  • FIX: Classic Layout - Membership button displaying issue fixed.

  • FIX: Single Course - Incorrect Comment Date bug fixed.

  • FIX: Top Rated Products - Select Columns issue fixed.

  • FIX: One Instructor Price displaying issue fixed.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.8.


26 Dec, 2019

  • NEW: Multi-instructors feature added. Let teachers assign one more instructor to the course.

  • NEW: Unique code for certificates feature added (with Code checker WPBakery Page Builder element).

  • NEW: Instructors can create Course Categories.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.7.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 4.0.2.


19 Dec, 2019

  • NEW: Course Bundle feature added. Create bundles with multiple courses that can be sold at one price as a package.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 6.1.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.6.


10 Dec, 2019

  • NEW: Questions Bank system added. Categorize questions depending on the subject and make your quizzes more organized.

  • NEW: Course Affiliate Link feature added. Use the new amazing opportunity of affiliate marketing with your courses.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.5.


4 Dec, 2019

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.4.

  • WooCommerce templates updated - v 4.0.

  • NEW: Points system added. Award students for their progress and activity by applying Point Reward System and boost engagement on your site.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


27 Nov, 2019

  • Compatible with WordPress 5.3.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.2.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.1.5.

  • NEW: Assignments feature added. Use additional types of tasks to engage your students and check their knowledge.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


6 Nov, 2019

  • NEW: Group (Team) Courses feature added. Start selling your courses to organizations and enterprises.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.1.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 4.0.1.


22 Oct, 2019

  • FIX: Separator element bug fixed.

  • FIX: Forgot password bug fixed.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


15 Oct, 2019

  • NEW: BuddyPress DEMO added.

  • NEW: LMS - Lessons Live Streaming feature added. Stream lessons in online mode and interact with your students on the highest level.

  • NEW: bbPress plugin integrated.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 2.0.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 4.0.


3 Oct, 2019

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.9.3.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.8.5.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


26 Sep, 2019

  • NEW: RTL DEMO added.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.9.2.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.8.4.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.1.2.


19 Sep, 2019

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.9.1.

  • NEW: Drip Content feature added.

  • NEW: Sequential Lessons feature added.

  • NEW: The GradeBook feature added.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


5 Sep, 2019

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.1.0.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.9.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.8.3.

  • NEW: BuddyPress plugin integrated.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


12 Aug, 2019

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.0.9.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.8.2.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.8.2.

  • NEW: Lazy Load functionality added.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


18 Jul, 2019

  • Visual Composer updated - v 6.0.5.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 6.0.5.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.8.1.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.8.1.

  • FIX: Prerequisites problem fixed.

  • FIX: WPML Switcher issue fixed.

  • FIX: Custom Heading font family issue fixed.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


31 May, 2019

  • FIX: Icon Boxes appearance bug fixed.

  • FIX: Posts Grid display issue fixed.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


28 May, 2019

  • Compatible with WordPress 5.2.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 6.0.2.

  • WooCommerce templates updated - v 3.6.


24 Apr, 2019

  • Compatible with WordPress 5.1.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.7.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.8.


8 Feb, 2019

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.7.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.8.

  • FIX: Event Form bug fixed.

  • FIX: Update detailed Rating (WooCommerce Course) bug fixed.

  • FIX: Mobile Menu bug fixed.

  • FIX: Quiz search bug fixed.

  • FIX: Certificates bug fixed.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


28 Dec, 2018


19 Dec, 2018

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.6.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.6.


14 Dec, 2018

  • Compatible with WordPress 5.0.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.6.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.4.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.5.


30 Nov, 2018

  • NEW DEMO: Single Course.

  • NEW: Germany, Spain, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, and Turkish ready translations added.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.3.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.4.1.


20 Nov, 2018

  • NEW DEMO: Udemy Affiliate.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.2.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.4.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


12 Nov, 2018

  • NEW: Courses Frontend Builder.

  • NEW: Udemy Courses Importer.

  • NEW: Masterstudy Prerequisites.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.3.1.


6 Nov, 2018

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.1.2.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.3.


26 Oct, 2018

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.1.1.

  • Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin updated - v 1.2.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.5.5.

  • WooCommerce templates updated - v 3.5.0.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


26 Sep, 2018

  • NEW: Masterstudy LMS PRO plugin added.

  • NEW: WooCommerce Checkout added for LMS Courses.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 3.1.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.5.4.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


14 Sep, 2018

  • NEW: Classic LMS layout added.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 2.4.


12 Sep, 2018

  • NEW: Course Hub layout added.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 2.3.


8 Sep, 2018

  • NEW: Academy layout added.

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 2.2.


31 Aug, 2018

  • STM Configuration plugin updated - v 2.1.

  • WooCommerce Templates updated.

  • FIX: Language files problem fixed.


27 Aug, 2018

  • Font Awesome updated.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


16 Aug, 2018

  • NEW: LMS Light layout added.

  • NEW: LMS Dark layout added.

  • NEW: Masterstudy LMS plugin added.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 5.4.8.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.5.2.

  • STM Post Type updated - v 2.0.


30 May, 2018

  • NEW: GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent plugin included.

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.9.6.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.4.7.

  • WooCommerce templates updated (v 3.4).


22 Feb, 2018

  • Compatible with PHP 7.

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.9.4.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • WooCommerce templates updated (v 3.3).

  • Child theme updated.


22 Dec, 2017

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.4.5.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • STM Post Type updated - v 1.9.

  • FIX: WooCommerce Cart removing item bug fixed.


15 Nov, 2017

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.4.2.

  • STM Post Type updated - v 1.4.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


9 Nov, 2017

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.3.2.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • WooCommerce templates updated (v 3.2).


18 Sep, 2017

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.3.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 5.4.6.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


30 Aug, 2017

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.8.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.2.1.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • WooCommerce templates updated (v 3.1).


20 Apr, 2017

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.7.

  • Compatible with PHP 7.

  • FIX: Theme activation problem is fixed.


17 Apr, 2017

  • Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.1.1.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 5.4.1.


21 Dec, 2016

  • Visual Composer updated - v 5.0.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • NEW: Welcome screen added.

  • FIX: Prices format decimals separator fixed (Popular courses, courses list).

  • FIX: Font Awesome updated. Telegram social icon added in theme options.


10 Oct, 2016

  • Visual Composer updated - v 4.12.1.

  • WooСommerce templates updated.

  • FIX: Teacher Courses module bug is fixed.


30 Jun, 2016

  • Visual Composer updated - v 4.12.

  • Revolution Slider updated - v

  • WooCommerce templates updated to 2.6.1 and some standard templates have been removed from the theme.

  • Font Awesome Icons updated to 4.6.2 version.


29 Jun, 2016

  • Revolution Slider updated - v 5.2.5.

  • FIX: Bug with Course Teachers appearing is fixes.


28 Jun, 2016

  • WordPress 4.5 ready.

  • Visual Composer updated.

  • Revolution Slider updated.


29 Mar, 2016

  • Visual Composer updated.

  • STM Post Type updated.

  • Revolution Slider updated.

  • WooCommerce templates updated.

  • Child theme updated.

  • NEW: Multiple Teachers for single Course included.


3 Feb, 2016

  • WooCommerce templates updated.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


19 Jan, 2016

  • Revolution Slider updated.

  • Visual Composer updated.

  • Demo Content is updated.

  • NEW: Import/Export Theme Options feature is added.


25 Dec, 2015

  • Compatible with Wordpress 4.4.

  • Revolution Slider updated.

  • Visual Composer updated.

  • FIX: Footer widgets area bug is fixed.


18 Nov, 2015

  • STM Post Type updated.

  • Revolution Slider updated.

  • Visual Composer updated.

  • Child Theme is updated.

  • FIX: Custom Post Types Frontend Editor bug is fixed.


22 Oct, 2015

  • Revolution Slider updated.

  • Translation files updated.

  • FIX: Variable products selector bug is fixed.

  • FIX: Grouped products Add to Cart is fixed.

  • FIX: Variable products selector bug is fixed.

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


11 Sep, 2015

  • WPML Switcher is disabled – show socials.

  • Display Categories on a Courses page.

  • Visual Composer updated.

  • Redux Framework updated.

  • Revolution Slider updated.

  • Demo content updated.

  • Translation files (.po) updated.

  • NEW: Custom links for Icon boxes.

  • FEATURE: WooCommerce Price filter for Sidebars.

  • FEATURE: Filter Products (Courses) by Categories.


20 Aug, 2015

  • FEATURE: Buy Course button made customizable.

  • FIX: Single Page sidebar fixed.

  • FIX: Custom CSS Option fixed.

  • FIX: Category search fixed.

  • FIX: Accordion styling options fixed.


1 Aug, 2015

  • Visual Composer plugin updated.

  • Revolution Slider Update.

  • NEW: Closed content feature added.

  • FIX: Custom Colors bug is fixed.

  • FIX: One Click update feature fixed.


27 Jul, 2015

  • WordPress 4.2.3 Ready.

  • Revolution Slider Update.

  • FIX: Parcing error fixed.

  • FIX: STM Post Type plugin bug (there were no Teachers and Evens in the wp-admin) fixed.

Last updated