Analytics for Instructors

Overview of Analytics for Instructors

The Advanced Analytics feature for instructors provides detailed insights into the performance and engagement of the courses, students, and instructors' content. Similar to Analytics for Admin, this feature also is organized into four key tabs and two sub-tabs:

Follow this page to learn about available analytics for admin:

Analytics for Admin

How to Enable Analytics for Instructors?

  1. To turn on the Advanced Analytics for Instructors, follow WP Dashboard > MasterStudy LMS > Settings > Reports & Analytics:

  1. Turn on Reports for Instructors setting. You can also enable Show payout statistics to instructors according to your needs

  • Reports for Instructors - enable to display the advanced analytics to instructors.

  • Show payout statistics to instructors - enable to display of payout statistics for instructors in the Revenue tab.

How to Access Advanced Analytics as Instructor?

Follow the Instructors Dashboard and open Analytics:

Hide/Show Statistics

Using the gear icon on the top right corner you can choose which information to show in every analytics tab:

Date Range

In the top right corner of each tab, you’ll find a date range selector that allows you to specify the period for which you want to view the statistics:

You can manually select the custom dates or use the available preset date ranges:

  • Today - Quickly view the statistics for the current day.

  • Yesterday - Displays the data for the previous day.

  • This Week - Shows statistics for the current week.

  • Last Week - Provides data for the previous week.

  • This Month - Displays data for the current month.

  • Last Month - Shows statistics from the previous month.

  • This Year - Provides an overview of statistics for the current year.

  • Last Year - Displays data for the previous year.

  • Navigation Arrows - Use the left and right arrows to move between months when selecting dates.

  • Reset Button - Resets the date range back to the default setting, allowing you to start fresh with a standard period.

Detailed Report for the Course

This page provides a comprehensive breakdown of this specific instructor's course revenue, enrollment trends, assignments engagement, and lesson performance. The data gives insights into student progress, financial success, and areas where improvements or interventions may be needed.

Top Summary Metrics

  • Revenue - Displays the total revenue generated from this course

  • Enrollments - Shows the total number of enrollments

  • Orders - Indicates the number of orders placed for this course

  • Lessons - Displays the number of lessons included in this course

  • Reviews - Indicates the number of reviews received for this course

  • Certificates Given - Shows how many certificates have been issued for this course

Revenue Trend Graph

This line graph tracks the revenue generated over the specified date range.

Enrollments and Preorders Trend Graphs

These graphs show the enrollment and preorder trends for the course over time.

Total - the total number of enrollments. Unique - the number of unique enrollments. Once a student registers and immediately buys the course, it is called unique enrollment.

Student Engagement by Lessons Table

Displays the lessons of the course in columns and students in rows and illustrates the completion status of the lessons by students.

You can the filtering, sorting, and searching options at the top of the table

Enrollments by Status and Assignments Engagement

These sections offer a snapshot of student progress and performance. They highlight how many students are at different stages of the course (not started, in progress, completed) and how well they are doing on assignments, providing a clear view of overall engagement and success in the course.

Lessons Engagement

  • Lesson Name - The name of each lesson

  • Completed - The percentage of students who completed each lesson

  • Dropped - The percentage of students who dropped each lesson

  • Not Completed - The percentage of students who haven’t completed the lessons

  • Total - The total number of students enrolled for each lesson

  • Lesson Type - Indicate the type of the lesson

  • Date Created - The date the lesson was created

Detailed Report of the Student

This page gives a comprehensive view of the student’s engagement, progress, and performance across courses, quizzes, and assignments, along with additional metrics that provide insight into their overall activity on the platform.

Top Summary Metrics

  • Revenue - Displays the total revenue generated from this student’s purchases

  • Orders - Shows the number of orders placed by the student

Courses Overview

This section provides an overview of the student’s engagement with the courses:

  • Enrolled - Indicates the total number of courses the student is enrolled in

  • Completed - Shows how many courses the student has finished

  • In Progress - Reflects the number of courses currently being worked on by the student

  • Not Started - Highlights the courses that the student has enrolled in but has not yet begun

The graph shows the timeline of when the student started engaging with courses and tracks their progress over time.

Course Progress Table

This table details each course the student is enrolled in:

  • Course Name - The title of each course

  • Duration - The estimated time required to complete the course

  • Started - The date when the student began the course

  • Progress - The percentage of the course that the student has completed, represented visually with a progress bar

Quizzes and Assignments

This section tracks the student’s performance on quizzes and assignments:

  • Passed - The number of quizzes/assignments the student successfully completed

  • Failed - The number of quizzes/assignments the student did not pass

Additional Metrics

  • Bundles - Indicates the number of course bundles the student is enrolled in

  • Certificates Given - Shows the number of certificates the student has received after completing courses

  • Points - Displays the total points earned by the student, which could be related to platform engagement or rewards.

Last updated